Chapter 1

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(Y/N) was walking around her room, wondering what to do next. She had all F's in every one of her classes, but was too much of a stupid cunt to do any of her missing work. Her parents were gone on a business trip, and would be gone until early February.

"Hmm..." wondered (Y/N). "I wonder if any of my friends are awake."

(Y/N) turned her phone on and opened the Instagram app. She texted each of her friends, asking if they were up for a quick call. No one answered.

(Y/N) then decided, in all of her pea-brained glory, to go online. She cracked open the lid of her computer and typed in "" It led her to the site, and she logged in.

She typed in her username "jungkookslittledirtypeeslut" and her password, which was just "password."

(Y/N) saw a dot next to her notifications tab, and clicked on it. It opened up to a plethora of comments, follows, and stars on her new chapter in her fanfiction "The BTS Boys Pee On You (LEMON)." (Y/N) squealed and did a little happy dance, which caused a small fart to exit her behind.

Suddenly, a new notification rolled in, making (Y/N)'s head snap back to her computer. She sat down and clicked on it. It was a comment from a user named "peehater69" whose profile picture was a red X over the word "pee."

A gasp escaped (Y/N)'s mouth. How could they? But little miss (Y/N) hadn't even checked to see what the comment said. When she read it, her jaw fell to the floor, and all the pee that was in her bladder was released all over her desk chair.

"wtf is dis" The comment read. "y r u writing a PEE fic? gross mf kek."

Peehater seemed to have it out for her. A salty tear leaked out of (Y/N)'s sewer-water colored eye.

(Y/N) stuck her abnormally long tongue out and licked the tear off her face.

"I'm gonna get you back, Peehater. I know I will." (Y/N) was determined. How dare this plebian comment such a thing on her beautiful fanfiction!

(Y/N)'s quick fingers got to work typing out a long reply. (Y/N) bit her cracked lip as the words formed on the screen.

"U pronbabley dont get love d enough at home! youerure so stupid an d aslsoo dumb and also if u dont like it thena dont read it >:(( stuopig hater i wil om to ur hosue an dkil u and u lwill be ded and u will idie a,so.... so back of!!!!!! growls at u.. tunrs into a debil and my winfsg are red and black arend rely big and i fly aways and i have rely big horn s anf claws and i get my big kniwfe and i haveb a yandere smiele on my faveb and i fly owver to u wilth my knwofe. get ayway form my senpieai!!11!!! i screm and i fly ofver to u and stab u to deff wiyj my big kniwfe thats whatw u get for hatinG!!!!!1 no one wlse hate on me ot 1this willwk aheoepn to u OwO" her comment read.

(Y/N) smiled triumphantly and closed her laptop. Another hater destroyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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