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Y/n rushed out ignoring the nagging feeling in her stomach as she ran to the car. Taylor stood frozen in her dressing room struggling to process what just happened. But when it hit her it hit hard. She sat on the couch crying until they called her.

She inhaled deeply as she walked onto the stage. "Hey you guys." She sniffled with a small wave trying to keep herself composed but it didn't help.

"I know I'm here to perform but I would like to take advantage of this moment and share a few words with someone special to me." The cheering crowd quickly silenced themselves as she sat down on the chair, she was sure her legs would give out under her.

"I know there's been rumors of me dating someone." The crowd was silent listening to every word wanting to know what made their queen cry. "But I never came clean on them. So here it is, they are true." She lowered the mic trying to compose herself.

She knew Y/n always left the radio on at home and that she would be listening to the radio so she took her shot. The crowd full of Swifties cheered wanting her to know they support her no matter what and that they were there for her like she's always been there for them.

"First off don't get me wrong, I'm not ashamed. Not at all, in fact I'm proud for finally finding my soulmate and for allowing myself to love who I want to and not need to." She gulped closing her eyes inhaling again.

"This person- this... This woman I love with every ounce of my being. And so I kept her a secret because I didn't want to share her... it's selfish I realise it now but it just felt so good having her all to myself. I loved it, but I was too busy being selfish I didn't see it from her point of view... I didn't see or notice she felt like I didn't love her enough or see that she felt like I was scared of everyone's opinion... And in truth I never was. Because I love her so much that when I look at her, all I see is her. She has this way of silencing all the drama and make me feel loved for who I am not what I am. And I took advantage of that... Y/n, I am so so sorry. I never meant to let you feel unworthy or unloved. I never meant for that." She choked up again but pushed through it.

"I just loved having you all to myself. I didn't want to share you with the world. But I realise I was wrong and I'm sorry, I now know I should've shared you... I should've bragged and flaunted, I should've been obnoxious and loud about it. I... I want to be annoying about how much I love you. I want to be obnoxious and kiss and hug you no matter where we are or who's watching because I am so in love with you." She sobbed covering her mouth her heart breaking just thinking about never seeing Y/n again.

"Y/n L/n, I love you so much, I have so much love for you. It hurts and kills me just thinking about not being able to give you my love. I love you so much and I... I am so hopelessly in love with you. You loving me makes me a better person. You loving me keeps me alive. Your love gives me strenght. I know I've wronged you and hurt you... But please if you'd give me one last time I'd make up for it no matter what it takes. Even if... even if making it up means I have to give you up... I'll even try to do that." Taylor took a moment to breathe as she motioned at her band to play.

When she was done performing she knelt down on the stage her legs growing weaker the more she thought about not holding or having Y/n again. Soon the crowd started cheering their ship name making her sigh and hide her face in her hands sobbing.

Taylor wasn't sure how long she stayed knelt on the stage but a hand on her shoulder immediately got her attention. That warm and gentle touch. Lowering her hands she saw Y/n knelt on one knee in front of her with red eyes and puffy cheeks.

"Y/n?" Taylor asked hopeful. "I love you too." Y/n smiled through her tears. "You do?" Taylor asked hopeful not hearing the cheering crowd. "I do." Y/n cupped the blondes cheeks pulling her into a passionate kiss.

Taylor quickly ran her hands through Y/n's hair down her back resting her hands in the small of her back as she kissed Y/n with everything she had.

Before the kiss got too heated the Y/n pulled back smiling when the singer whimpered. They rested their foreheads together slowly realising they were still in public.

"How about you take me home?" Y/n whispered into the blondes ear making her smile. "Yes ma'am." Taylor said standing up with new strength. "Thank you for having me." Taylor waved to the crowd chanting their ship name.

She grabbed her phone not even minding to change her clothes knowing that in a few minutes neither of them were gonna wear any.

Taylor got into the car letting her driver know where to fo before closing the window that divided them. The blonde was quick to reach over and place her hand on Y/n's leg giving it a squeeze running her hand up and down her inner thigh. Y/n smiled hugging the blondes arm as she laid her head on her shoulder placing a kiss to her bare shoudler.

"I love you." Y/n whispered seeing the smile grown on the singers face. "I love you to." Taylor said turning to her cupping her cheek with one hand while her other stayed high up on her inner thigh.

She pulled her into a passionate kiss her fingers getting lost in h/c locks. Y/n lifted herself up giving Taylor the chance to pull her over letting her straddle her lap. Y/n wrapped her arms around Taylor as her soft hand slipped under her shirt giving her waist a squeeze kissing her neck.

Y/n leaned her head to the side giving Taylor more access as her lips latched onto her pulse point sucking hard. Y/n bit her lip suppressing a moan while pushing herself into Taylor craving more. When she was sure she'd made her mark Taylor pulled away placing a kiss to the sensitive skin.

"Tay." Before Y/n could start her sentence Taylor placed a kiss higher sucking on her neck again. Y/n ran her fingers through luscious blonde locks tangling in them as she pulled her closer.

When she was done making her second mark the car came to a stop making Y/n groan as Taylor stopped kissing her. A knock on the window told them they were ready to get escorted. Taylor took Y/n's hand entertwining their fingers as they got out she placed a kiss to Y/n's hand walking her to her home opening the front door letting her in.

Once she stepped inside she shut the door pinning Y/n to the door locking it. Y/n could feel her knees growing weak as hands glided over her skin. Taylor pulled off her shirt hands on her waist as she started marking the other side of her neck. She bit her lip squeezing her eyes shut in pure bliss.

Taylor placed her leg between Y/n'd legs supporting her even if it only made Y/n's knees more weak. Taylor took off her own shirt as Y/n gripped onto her shoulders pulling her closer needing more.

Taylor knelt down a putting her hands behind Y/n's thighs. "Jump." Taylor whispered into her collarbone. Using the last bit of control she had over her legs she jumped with Taylor's help and wrapped her legs around the tall woman's waist and arms around her neck.

Taylor walked them to the room allowing Y/n to plant warm wet kisses all over her neck and shoulders freezing for a moment when Y/n started sucking on her pulse point.

She loved how it felt. She loved knowing Y/n still wanted her and wanted everyone to know she's hers. With a smile she kept walking to their room unable to wait any longer, just wanting to show Y/n how much she loves her.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now