Pour It Out 🚫❌❎

Start from the beginning

Taking a deep breath when she was done reading Y/n looked into her fiancees blue eyes smiling at her. "In other words well fucking done babe." Y/n said making everyone cheer. "Oh whoops I can't say fuck. Oh shit. Fuck I did it again. Shit sorry." Taylor put a hand over her mic to stop people from hearing her giggling as Y/n blushed looking over at her.

"I don't know how people do this." Y/n muttered. "You're doing good baby." Taylor assured as everyone laughed. "You good now?" The singer asked and Y/n nodded inhaling. Taylor lowered her hand again now resting it on Y/n's thigh again. "Sorry to all the parents. Kids don't say fuck." Y/n apologised only for Taylor to cover her mic again. "Oops." She gave a sheepish smile making everyone laugh.

She turned all her attention to her blonde lover. "Okay so you posted a cute video of Y/n cuddling with Meredith and Olivia. Everyone wants to know does the cats like Y/n more than you- Oh you guys want to start a rivalry between us and the children." Y/n looked at the audience in shock.

"You didn't think about the question until you voiced it did you?" Taylor asked and Y/n nodded with a sheepish smile. "At least Diggle likes me more. Meredith, Olivia and Benjamin... it's debatable." Taylor smirked making Y/n gasp. "You can't bring our babies into this." Y/n said pouting.

"I didn't start it." Taylor held her hands up in defense. "What you think I did?" Y/n asked already thinking of ways to get Taylor back tonight. "Okay next question." Taylor pointed at the cards already seeing that look in Y/n's eyes.

"Okay, so are you working on a new album yet?" Y/n asked and Taylor smiled. "Yes." Taylor nodded earning loud cheers from the crowd. "Is there anything you can tell us about the album?" Y/n asked smiling when she saw Taylor's eyes light up. "No, just that I'm really excited about it." Taylor smiled and everyone cheered louder.

Y/n asked a few more questions, Taylor answering them and making sure to tease Y/n loving when she got flustered and blushed. Y/n called a break walking with Taylor over to the table where they had shots prepared.

The singer draped an arm around her fiancees shoulder. "Baby your doing great." Taylor complimented Y/n and placed a kiss to her temple.

"I'd say you're doing too good." Y/n said pointing at her lover. "No way." Taylor bit her lip shaking her head trying to hide her smile. "Yes way, because you even have the the audacity to tease me." Y/n said making Taylor giggle.

"You say it like you don't like it." Taylor said with a smirk making Y/n blush. "Stop babe." Y/n tried keeping a straight face but she couldn't.

"I can't keep a straight face when you're being this hot." Y/n said making Taylor raise her brows. "That's because nothing about you is straight." Taylor said making Y/n laugh a loud.

"I'm so gonna pay for this later." Taylor mumbled to herself. "Oh yeah." Y/n nodded before turning to the camera.

"Okay, welcome back everyone." Y/n greeted with a wave. "Here's how it works. We're each gonna choose a shot and each shot sits on a coaster which has a personal question written on it neither of us has seen these questions before, you read the question silently and answer out loud. You have to reveal one question in the game. Then you choose to share the question or take a shot... What does Jimmy say, oh yeah. Tonight America's finally gonna get all the answers just not all the questions." Y/n smirked at Taylor who giggled. "That felt good to say didn't it?" Taylor pointed at Y/n who nodded. "It did." She picked up a coaster

She read the question laughing. "Honestly?" She asked making Taylor frown.

'What's the wildest place you did the dead and why was it wild?'

"I can't believe they... Okay." Before she could give it away she decided on answering. "In the pool because her parents were in the house.

Taylor frowned looking at her. "Wait? What?" When Y/n didn't answer her it clicked. "Oh! Oh my god they went there?" She asked and Y/n nust nodded.

"Yeah." She took the shot then ate the paper making Taylor laugh. "That can't be healthy." She shook her head picking up her own coaster.

'After you've dropped a piece of food, what's the longest time you've left it on the ground and then ate it?'

Relieved she answered the question. "Two minutes." She said sighing when she saw Y/n staring with big eyes.

"Stop being so dirty this is a PG show." Y/n scoffed at her accusations. "I didn't even say a word." She threw her hands up and Taylor just shook her head. "Yes you did, your eyes said it all." Taylor couldn't stop her smile when Y/n blushed.

'Who would you rather have sex with in secret or not have sex with, but everyone thinks you did?'

"Yes in secret. Taylor Swift." Y/n answered blushing just thinking about it.

"Yes secret is me? Or like a secret I don't know?" Taylor asked gesturing at herself. "Yes it's you." Y/n nodded. "What?" The blonde laughed confused. "My answer to the question is yes and the person is you." Y/n explained while pointing at Taylor.

"Oh okay. Wait what's the question?" Taylor asked curiosity getting the best of her. "I'll tell you later." Y/n said and Taylor nodded.

'Do you have any pet names for Y/n? What's your favorite?'

"That's hard... Um. My girl and baby doll." Taylor smiled. "Oh my god." Y/n looked at her with big eyes. "It's not that." She shook her head. "Then why'd you say it?" Y/n asked raising a brow. "It's the answer to the question." Taylor said.

"What was the question?" Y/n asked and Taylor smiled shaking her head. "I'm gonna have to make you eat pepper or something." She crossed her arms over her chest. "What no. What was the question because I know why you usually use the name - PG show baby." Taylor interrupted her.

"Yeah right sorry. Tell me later?" She asked and Taylor shrugged then read the question out loud. "Oh." Y/n said almost sounding dissapointed.

'What's your biggest turn on about Taylor?'

She thought for a moment before answering. "Hands, eyes and hips." She blushed a bit making Taylor raise a brow. She frowned trying to think of the question. "Hands, eyes and hips?" She frowned trying to think what the question is. "Yeah." Y/n nodded blushing just thinking about Taylor strutting onstage.

'When and Who was your most recent heated kiss?'

Taylor blushed thinking about their kiss as they almost got caught, clearing her throat she spoke. "Before the show. Y/n." Seeing her blush Y/n couldn't help but panic.

"What?!" She asked a bit too loud. "Babe get your mind out of the gutter." Taylor couldn't help but giggle. "What no I - seriously!?" She asked her mind running wild. "Yes seriously." Taylor pointed at her with a playful glare.

"I need to know that question." Y/n said but Taylor just smiled. "If you continue thinking like that you'll be dissapointed." She said making everyone laugh.

"Wait what happens if you don't reveal a question." Taylor asked realising Y/n hasn't revealed a question. "You have to kiss." Someone called to them and everyone cheered in agreement. "Okay?" Y/n turned to Taylor who shrugged. "Okay. Lets see what's the last question?" Taylor said walking to stand next to her fiancee. "Okay we both have to answer and decide whether or not to share the question." Y/n explained as she picked up the coaster.

'Do you prefer to give or recieve when having sex.'

"And you say my mind is in the gutter." Y/n commented as Taylor looked around in disbelief. "We'll answer on 1, 2, 3." Y/n said looking at Taylor.

"One, two, three." The crowed counted.

"Give and recieve." Taylor said.

"Receive and give." Y/n said.

"There's no way I'm sharing my questions." Y/n said stuffing the question in her bra. "Want a kiss?" Taylor asked looking down at her.

"Make it count." Y/n said and Taylor smirked walking around the table cupping Y/n's cheeks kissing her passionately even managing to get a moan from Y/n.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now