The death of Miss Watson.

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Imma put the end note up here, don't even ask why. Ok so I hope you enjoyed this ... NO READ THE CHAPTER FIRST.
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Come on I can read 60 pages off book in like 6 mins ... it would probably take you lot like an hour or something.
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I don't have all day.
Idek what to say ... vote, comment, now go away ! - M :)

His eyes are tear stained, he try's holding in the blood as it gushes out her body. He's reaching for the bulletin lodged in her waist but it's to late. She gone.
He clings to her body making her face covered in blood, his suit covered in blood, his face covered in blood, and his hair covered in blood.

We heard barking from outside and remember Mia so we went to get her, the only thing I remember is seeing her body lying there helplessly flailing around for help before it stopped and Sherlock ran to her ... her last breath escaped her, he screamed.
Mia, I'm sorry ... I already know who did this ... my dad obviously. I stoke her hair and look at her little face all helpless. Her eyes are still open and glass like.
I shut them over looking one last time at her green eyes.
Why and how did she get outside, she was in her room when we heard the scream.
That's when I notice the bedroom window open. I look up and see her jacket stuck to the window. She must have been shot and then feel down.
"Mia, I told you no harm would come to you ... I'm sorry kid, I'm so so Terribly sorry" I say hugging her.

"Call her father" Sherlock says gulping.

I nod and make my way to the house.

Abigail - "Hello mr Watson?"

Watson - "Yes Who is this May I ask?"

Abigail - "this is Abigail I'm Sherlock's ... friend, we have some bad news"

Watson - "alright?"

Abigail - "mr Watson your daughter ..."

Watson - "my daughter what?!"

Abigail - "Your daughter was murdered"

Watson - "..."

Abigail - "mr Watson I am so sorry"

Watson - "I ... are you at the safe house?"

Abigail - "yes sir"

Watson - "I'm on my way then"

Abigail - "Thank you sir, I am very sorry"

Watson - "it's not your fault"

Abigail - "I ... I doubt that"

Watson - "tell me"

Abigail - "mr Watson I am Professor James Moriartys daughter ... he has been looking for me and ... I think this is his doing, he did this to warn me"

Watson - "goodbye Miss Moriarty"

Abigail - "g-yes ok"

I hang up the phone and gulp, he's upset ... very upset and angry.

"What did he say?" Sherlock asks carrying in mias limp body.

"He's on his way" I say going to my room and locking the door.

Shes gone, she's gone, she's gone, she's gone, she's gone. This one word sends me to of to sleep.

The funeral.
"Mr Watson, I'm so sorry about Mia" I say shaking his hand.

He nods and sighs ... he's a tall, skinny man, brown eyes, stubble, brown hair, all black, bags under his eyes, blood shot eyes and as pale as a ghost. He looks ill. He probably is ... Mia was his only child.

"Yes week it's fine, this is her mother Jane" he says.
I see a tall woman with black shoulder length hair, blue eyes, tanned, curvy, slight heartbroken smile as sorrows are passed back and forth between them both.

"Lovely to meet you Miss" I say shaking her hand.

"Please sweetheart call me Jane" she says smiling at me and then she gets distracted.

"She has a problem she gets distracted by things, it's as if something  else is there that only she can see" Sherlock says leading me away from them quickly.

I sit with him and take his hand. He kisses it and says "I will protect you ... I promise my love,  I promise you so so much".

I nod.

It's time for me to do my speech for the remembrance of Mia. I stand up and look at my list, I smile and read it.

"Mia was like a sister, she was that girl that -
🥴cringed over kissing.
🤠liked to play dress up.
🤯had way to much to say at the wrong times.
🔪a lil physco (in a good way).
🐍as she calls it 'sly'.
🧬smart as fuck.
🎆a little firework.
☯️good and evil ... a lil more good sort of evil (you get it?)
😌she's a girl that changed my life".

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