Chapter 14 - A Totally Epic Training Montage

Start from the beginning

     There was a race between Iida and Pony. Kirishima and Tetsutetsu had a battle to test who could withstand the most blows from their other classmates. Tons of other little battles went down, eventually it got to the point when everyone forgot about training or the larger competition going on. But soon their fun came to an end when they were kicked out of their location for being too loud and causing too much of a commotion.

     The competition was over and pretty much everyone had scattered, and Hachi decided to head off on his own to do some quirk training. He wanted to create a special move for the Sports Festival, a technique that he could use when he's in a pinch. With the state that his wings were in, even if they do heal in time for the event, there was no guarantee that he could use them to the best of his ability.

     Hachi exited the gym that everyone was in and headed off to one of the indoor training grounds that was being used for individual quirk practice. The bee sat down on a bench and watched the others train whilst he tried his best to think of an idea for his new move. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't think of anything on the spot. 

"Come on! There's gotta be something I can at least try!" The small blond teen sighed in annoyance at his lack of inspiration for anything. 

"Ah! Mr Honeycomb! You seem troubled!" A high pitched squeaky voice announced.

     Hachi looked down slightly and noticed that the voice  came from his rodent Head Master. "Oh! Principle Nezu? What are you doing here?" The bee questioned as the small Head Teacher sat next to the bee on the bench.

"Overseeing my students of course! Now then. What brings you here?"

"I'm trying to come up with an idea for some kind of special move at the sports festival. But I can't think of anything!" 

"Ah! I thought that might be the case. Your wings will almost certainly remain unusable by the time the Festival comes around and it's very unlikely that you'll be able to use them to their full extent if at all. So you want to come up with a powerful finishing move to make up for that disadvantage. Correct?"

"Yea! Pretty much! You figured that out really easily!" The bee says, borderline terrified at the intelligence of his Principle.

"I thought that was the case! So I brought this!" The rodent hands the bee a book with the UA insignia printed on the front of its hard cover.

"Huh? What's this?" Hachi questions and he analyses the front and back covers of the book.

"That, Mr Honeycomb, is the student profile record from some of the very first few years of UA High School being open."

"Wha!?!? Is this not really important!?!? Should I really have hold of this!!" He says as he tries to give the book back to Nezu. But the mouse simply pushes the book back towards the bee.

"That book has all of the students profiles in it. All in alphabetical order going off of the person's last name. I think you'll find the H section of that book quite useful." The Principle says as he gets off of the bench and begins to walk away.

"Wait!! Why?" Hachi questions with absolute confusion.

"You're having trouble coming up with an idea for your special move correct? I'm sure that book will give you some inspiration. Also, feel free to keep it! We have plenty of copies!"

"I-Is this not unfair to the others?"

"You're already at a disadvantage with your wings! I'd say that this is going to even the playing field. Also, you're a very interesting young man Mr Honeycomb!" Nezu states as he walks away to a different area of the training ground.

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