The Match

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( What Hinata looked like in the situation you'll read later )

3rd Person's POV

The match has started there were powerhouses like
Aoba joshai
And More.

Our fellow managers have been dragging hinata around while the match hasn't started yet
But our poor little sunshine got so tired and just collapsed.
The managers were shocked but just ended up carrying her all the way after their shopping and they found this the best chance for them to pick her outfits cuz she unconscious.

But suddenly kiyoko and yachi squeaked at the sight the other managers ran to where they were just to do the same as the two,
they found the 'best' outfit for our sunshine to wear.

Its was only 1 hour before the match they hurried and woke hinata and bribed her with meat buns just to wear 'The outfit'.
When she wore it and went revealed the outfit to the managers they fell on the floor blushing like 50%
( Not 100% cuz if it was 100% it would be hard for them to heal, also im making the managers lesbians )


As the match started
Our Crows were getting worried by not seeing the sunshine anywhere on the bleachers
they had already finished 2 sets.

Until the front door suddenly opened making the cameras switch their focus to the door their stood the managers wearing cheer outfits dragging our flustered sunshine.

The whole court stayed silent seeing
an angel and her angel assistances, her bright unique orange hair tied in bun-buns ( Ya know twin buns if yah still dont get they tied her hair in two buns )
Her big hazel eyes, soft milky white skin, her pink plump but small-ish lips, thick and skinny figure. #Skinnylegend


Since everyone in the court had fainted they had to cancel the match
cause all of the teams fainted too.

The coaches and the sensei's had to carry every one in the infirmary which some had to be carried by their parents ( Cuz i aint makin' the parents that are also watching the match with their children, im not gon' make them pedo's. I don't like pedofile's [ I dunno how you spell it ] )

Whilst the infirmary didn't have enough space some had to be brought to the hospital ( The non-major side of the hospital )

Our managers had been trying to apologize to hinata for making her wear it, the ginger had been crying non-stop for making the match end or either for making everyone faint.

So that's all if your wondering what happened next well i dunno either cuz mah lazy ass is getting no more ideas but stay tuned for my other stories love you choco's!!

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