°• SHE JOINED!! •°

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(The clothes she's wearing ↑↑↑)|Not Mine Btw she also wearing the choker and her shoes are in the pic too)

3rd Person's POV
Time Skip

March 21- Thursday[ Im not calculating this with the other chapter ]

As usual she woke up early 4:02 am to be exact, she then went downstairs to see her whole family at the dinner table eating their breakfast....

Hinata then said "Mom? Dad? Nii-Chan? Why is everybody awake isn't it early for you guys?" Natsuo then chuckled which caught her attention.

"Silly Hiyea mom and dad dont have work today and i dont have school today, so we decided to suprise you with breakfast and also we have a party on June 4 at 6:30 to be exact. You can invite anyone friends,family just anyone"

Said Natsuo, the girl nodded in response as she went to the table, and ate with her family.

-After eating-

The sunshine then took some clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Time Skip
March 21-Thursday 5:37 am.

Hinata took the G Wagon again,
as she entred she quickly went to the club room for the leaders of the club, and ofcourse it was the volleyball team, mens to be exact hinata then saw, a guy named Takeda and Ukai in the Volleyball Club she asked them if she could join and ofcourse they said yes..[Daichi wasn't there cause he had practice]

Like who wouldn't...

Then Takeda-Sensie bought the Hinata in the gym.

Sugawara's POV

It was 5:47 in the morning we had practice before our classes then, we heard the door open, we looked at the door..

Their standing was
Takeda-Sensie that stood there with a beautiful orange haired girl, as i remembered correctly the girls name was, Shiyo Hinata.

As she stood their we heard a thud *Thud* *Thud* It was Tanaka and Nishinoya they fainted... Wait what!!!

Hinata then ran to them and called the nurse of the volleyball team, Yuza Suzuki then after a few minutes later..

Takeda-Sensie explained everything as our eye's went wide, looking ay hinata as she titled her head confused, as she looked at takeda and us she giggled which almost all of us fainted  but still held on our consciousness, "You all are so silly, im gonna go and tell uncle's [The principal and ukai] if they can let you skip practice" said hinata.

And ofcourse we were confused on how her uncle's can let us skip practice if its not coach ukai or the principal....

"WAIT IS HER UNCLE'S SUPPOSINGLY ARE COACH AND THE PRINCIPAL!!!!" We Shouted students in the hall go check what was happening, and see us literally choking cause of screaming too loud.

Takeda sensie sweat dropped then nodded.

Ok that's all guys love you and thank you to those who are reading this and just done anything at all it really helps me out I Love Yall     〆(・∀・*). And that's on Periodt. So yah bye....

(Word count: 511)

-Edited Date: March 21 2021-

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