Sml// are you threating me

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|| Recapt || " Great i said rather loudly which cause everyone to look up at me. G-Great day we are havin-g i said slowly. I looked up at connor and he had a huge smirk on his face he sat down in the seat next to me and leaned over to whisper something in my ear"

<><><><Chapter 2 ><><><>

You know Princess thosee were some really mean words you said to me after you clumsly bumped into me. he said with a ridiculous smirk on his face. You know what Connor i dont find you cute or amusing so how about you just shut up and pay attention! Ms.Perez and Mr.Veloz unless you two wanna stay after school with me i advise you to pay attention and stop TALKING the teacher practically yelled. Sorry I mumbled. and Connor just snickered. the bell finally rung and I quickly grabbed my things and ran out the classroom. since its lunch time everyone acts like hungry hungry hippos and start pushing people so they can get there first. I suddenly felt a hard shove on my back and I litteraly flew onto the ground and my stuff flew everywhere. just great I mumbled to myself. I looked up at my now new enemy and non surprisingly it was Stephanie even greater I mumbled to myself. " oops im sorry I didn't see you there Stephanie said with her annoying voice. im not even that short how could you not see me I said trying to give her my hardest glare ever. Listen dork I advise you to stay away from Connor she said her eyes full of hatred. You can keep him he's Nothing but a douche bag I said rolling my eyes unlike you I have places to go so see ya after i said that I got up and went to lunch. I grabbed my pizza and coke and went to the table where my best friend was continusly waving her hand back and forth to get my attention typical Jenna. " Hey Val you would never believe who invited me to their party tonight!! She said almost screaming." Theres a party tonight? Who invited you? Don't you know its a school night!? "Val you don't understand Grayson Ryder invited me! You can't just skip out on this big of a opportunity please come with me I'll bring you something to wear she said giving me her puppy dog face." Okay fine I'll go.. Wait I can't just go to a party I'm not invited to. " he said I can bring a friend Jenna said with a strug." So That's how my lunch went today I basically sat and ate while Jenna ramble on about the party tonight. Before I even knew it school was over and I was stuck walking home because Jenna had cheerleading practice. I haven't really introduced you guys to Jenna really she has long blonde hair and light green eyes she had great tan skin and long legs. Sometimes I wish I was her because she was so gorgeous compared to my curly brown hair and grey eyes. My thoughts were interrupted when a loud beep came out of no where and startled me. I turned to see who scared the strawberry sprinkles outta me and saw that it was Connor for some reason I was relieved that it was him and nobody else I have no idea why. Hey do you need a ride? Connor said with that huge smirk of his. No thank you I'm perfectly fine walking I said looking forward. Oh C'mon I live on your street it would be no problem to drop you off he said with a slint hint of annoyed and his voice. Shouldn't you be focused on the road instead of me? I said completely ignoring his last statement. "Val get in the car before I tell your mom that you got a detention." You wouldn't I said while stopping and glaring at him. Oh but I would he said smirking at me. I sighed and start walking up to his car because I knew he would tell my mom that I had that detention because I came to class late it's not my fault my locker got glued shut. Oh and did I mention that me and Conner use to be best friends? Yeah but those days are long gone after what he did to me.

So ta da this is my second chapter of show me love and I'm quite proud of myself. It's a little short but I'll update next Thursday or sooner. Don't forget to Vote and comment. Much love

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