Chapter Twenty Three

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"What are you doing here?!" Brittany yells. "Where did you come from?"

"Well, hello! It's so good to see you too!" This woman confidently walks through the door.

JJ is looking between them both, confused as to who this little blonde woman is.

"Seriously, Ollie! What are you doing here?" Brittany demands.

"Stopping you from making a huge mistake and not allowing you to take advantage... again," Ollie smiles.

JJ finally looks down at Everett who has the biggest smile on her face.

"The big dog is here," She whispers to JJ.

"That little woman is the big dog?" He whispers back confused.

"You have no idea... watch," Everett points.

"This is Ashley, the family's lawyer," Ollie introduces this other woman who looks like a bulldog.

"Hello," She nods.

"She has some interesting news," Ollie stares down at Brittany.

"As of yesterday afternoon the land is in the names of Jack and JJ, the owner's heirs," Ashley pulls documentation out and slams it on the table.

"Heirs?!" Brittany squeaks. She snaps her head towards Everett as if she was possessed. "You lied to me! You lied to your mother? After EVERYTHING I did for you? You want to slump it in this nasty place?" She belittles everyone. Everett stands, ready to take this verbal lashing. "I gave you a CEO on a plate, a better life,"

That did it. "You gave me a false identity of life!" Everett yells.

"You will not stay here with this," She looks JJ up and down, "With this sorry excuse of a man!"

"I LOVE HIM!" Everett screams and the room goes silent. JJ takes her hand in his, giving her a firm hold to let her know she isn't alone. "You will not win this mother. You will not take this away. I love him and whether I stay or not, I love him and this family,"

Everyone continues to sit and stare at them. Momma and Pop are smiling. Everett telling everyone, well yelling at everyone the truth, just felt so good.

"Cute, now..." Ollie interrupts. Everyone turns to look at her.

"I apologize, who are you?" Jack asks with concern.

"The second best damn person you will meet today. The first is Ashley. Ashley, go ahead please," Ollie gestures.

"All the paperwork was expedited and they are the sole owners. Now as far as the developers are concerned, they are no longer interested in that area. The ranch is also home to not only the protected horses that roam the property but now are a verified rescue and sanctuary for all current and future horses. Paperwork was approved yesterday after the transfer of title. You no longer have any interest in this land," Ashley explains to a baffled crowd.

"What?" Brittany and Brian both say at the same time.

"My contact with the developer's supplier refuses to work with them if they move forward with obtaining any piece of land owned by this family. My contact loves wild horses," Ollie grins.

"I'd be happy to give them a tour," Jack can almost jump out of his skin at excitement.

"Deal, we will set something up. Brittany, you seem to forget that my contacts value their assets, and I am their biggest asset. You have no idea how far my reach goes," Ollie reminds her.

"Ollie, this is my livelihood. I can get new suppliers, no problem!" Brittany tries to recover.

"No, this is you being selfish again. You may get new suppliers but they will never have the reach that I have. Your developers need my local suppliers to keep the agricultural and community to pull in any new business ventures for this area. You keep pulling these stunts you will be excluded from your grand-babies!" Ollie levels up.

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