Chapter Twenty

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It's been a couple of weeks and the ranch has been jam-packed with weddings and events. For every event, they have pulled together to clean, organize, set up, take down, fix, create, and just make these days the best they can for their customers.

Everett has been pulling double duty with helping and then spending time editing photos and sending them to the clients. That's their night together. Everett sits on the couch after they have dinner, with her laptop on her lap and JJ will sit on the floor or the other side of the couch with her feet in his hands. He has underestimated his tiny tornado of terror. He watches how she works hard and it shows in her work how much she loves photography. It's like photos out of a magazine.

JJ finds himself laughing more than he ever has when he is with her. He doesn't remember smiling this much or even what it felt like to want to leave.

Summer has quickly turned to fall and they are getting ready for winter. Weddings will slow down and Jack and Heather have decided to have a winter wedding. JJ smiles thinking of his brother.

Today they are meeting at the main house for a meeting his dad has called. JJ isn't sure what's going on, but for the first time, it doesn't bother him. He's so happy, nothing can change it.

JJ dragged Everett with him even though she insisted that it wasn't her place for a family meeting. For as long as she is here, she has a place with JJ. He is still trying to build the nerve to ask her to stay. The very thought has him anxious, then not asking and her leaving. If he does ask and she stays, is it the right decision? His mind is a constant battle that he doesn't quite know how to navigate.

Everyone is sitting in the living room while Pops stands to talk.

"Alright, thank you for coming to this meeting. It's been a couple of weeks and I can say we have been filled with bookings! I am overwhelmed with the work you all have been doing. I've gotten word that we have caught up on our payments, so good job!" Everyone claps and lets off a relieved breath. "With that being said, Momma and I have decided to retire from the farm,"

Everyone sits with their mouths wide open and a few gasps escape. Truth, it was just JJ. Alarms are firing off in his head. If they retire, what happens next? What was the point of all this wedding stuff if they are giving up the farm?

"Wait!" JJ starts.

"Hold on son, I know where you are going..." Pops tries to stop him.

JJ has engaged dick mode, blinded by his panic. "Wait? What? You are retiring? Are you selling the ranch? Are you moving? Are we moving?" He can't stop.

"JJ..." Everett softly speaks.

"NO! You aren't staying..." He snaps, not meaning too. It's all too much. He can feel himself tiptoeing the edge of being a jerk with no way of stopping. "No..." He shakes his head trying to calm down, "Ah! Damn it!'

Everett pulls her hand from his and his heart drops into his stomach. He can see the fear in her eyes that he is going to say something else he will regret. Fair enough, he's done it before.

Jack stands and puts his hands on his brother's shoulder forcing him to look in his eyes. "Whoa, calm down, Bro,"

"How are you so calm?" JJ snaps.

"Baby, I need you to breathe," Momma tries.

"No, you're retiring. What happens to us," He starts to sweat.

"If you shut the hell up I'd be able to tell you!" Pops is starting to get frustrated.

"YOU CAN'T SELL! THIS IS MY HOME!" JJ finally speaks out loud about staying.

Book 4 - Shot of LifeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant