Softie - Finn

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Word count: 465!
Yeah... Fluffy?

Those mornings we'd wake up and forget the war. Remember just us. Only us.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me up to his chest. "Mornin' love." He whispered into my ear. "Morning." I turned around and smiled. His lips pecked my nose. I giggled at the affection.

"Would Poe or Leia realize we're gone?" I asked sighing. "Sadly yes. But maybe we can put the war on pause and sleep in." He joked. I playfully hit his shoulder and kissed his cheek.

Just as we were settling back into bed Finns com went off. "Hey Finn, (y/n). I'm giving you guys 2 hours to sleep in and do whatever your doing. After your 2 hours I need one or both of you to meet me at my X-wing Leia's got a mission for us." The message ended and I groaned. "Hey 2 hours of better than nothing." He smiled as he kissed the back of my neck. I turned around and he kissed my lips. "I'm to tired for this. Cuddles?" He asked in a soft voice. "Of course ya big softie." I chuckled and let him wrap his arms around me.

"Finn. Baby. We gotta go, Poes waiting for us." I groaned as I climbed out of his reach. He sat up and let the morning light shine into his eyes. I got out of bed and walked over to our small closet and pulled out a pair of leggings, a white shirt, and my fighter jacket. Finn smiled as he grabbed his jacket he stole from Poe a year ago. Mine was newer than his since i got mine from actually becoming a pilot. His had burns and patches all over it. "Come on we gotta go!" I checked the clock and started to run out to the landing bay. He laughed at me as we both ran.

"Alright you guys ready? Leia needs us out on Naboo. We're catching a spy." He grinned and led us over to the Falcon. "You think he'll notice if we just stay in the back the whole trip?" I whispered. "Nope." Finn smiled and put his arm around my shoulder.

The whole light speed trip we stayed in the back sleeping on each other. Poe didn't notice the whole trip.

Thank you all so much for over 900 reads! I really didn't think we'd get this far. In reality I started this as a joke because my other books flopped and barely made it over 100 reads but this one book did better than them combined!!!
I will be taking a break for the holidays because I wanna spend time with my family because they haven't seen me in a while, anyways. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

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