Sharing a pod - Kallus

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Word Count: 1259!

"Agent Kallus, we have been sent a transmission from the rebels." I stood at the front of his desk. My badges glinting in the small light above him. "Of course I'll take it in here." He looked up from his holopad. I went to leave but he called out to me, "I'm sure you'd love to hear what they have to say." He leaned back a little as I turned around. "Of course, Sir." I walked back to his desk. He started the transmission. "Kallus. I assume she is here as well." A woman I had grown to call Hera, was speaking to us. "We need to find a way to get past the Lothal blockade and you two are the only ones who would know." The transmission looked up at us. "I'm on it Captain. I'll figure it out." The transmission ended and Kallus looked up at me. "How did you know I was working with the Rebels?" I questioned. "Well not only did Captain Syndulla tell me, I've seen the ring you wear." He pointed down to my gloved hands.

I always wore a small ring over my right glove. (It's Roses ring in TLJ) "How did you know? Most people don't notice." I turned it a little and the rebellion symbol showed. "I'm a smart man." He smirked. "A smart man indeed." I smirked and walked behind his desk. He grinned and looped an arm around my waist. "And you a beautiful woman." I leaned down and pecked his lips. As I pulled away he grabbed the nape of my neck and pulled me down onto his lips again. "Needy aren't we?" I smirked and straddled his hips. "I guess so." He kissed me, but this time with more lust and affection.

An eventful night was had between the two. The agent and his assistant would never forget it.

Yet, it all became much more real the day they were exposed.

"I must say, I never would've thought you Ms.(L/n) would ever be a rebel. You look quite good in the uniform." Thrawn was above me holding my chin to meet his gaze. Kallus was next to me snarling up at him. "Ah and I see your little boyfriend is also quite fond of the uniform." Thrawn let my chin drop as he walked over to Kallus. "You were both good at hiding your treasonous acts, no one saw it coming." He had his back to us. "Now let's see what your rebel friends are made of shall we?" He looked back at us. I growled at him, "You'd be surprised at what they can do." A smirk creeping to my lips. The dark trooper behind me smacked my lip with his blaster. "Shut it." He barked.

My face hurt like hell and I couldn't keep my eyes open. I was exhausted. My knees gave out and I fell to the floor. Suddenly a loud commotion was sounded from the front of the ship. It was Kallus. He was at it, killing the crew as I laid unable to do anything. The last bucket head fell and he walked over to me. "Come on (y/n). We have to go now." He picked me up bridal style and ran to the escape pods. He set me down on a seat and started to launch us. I groaned as I sat up and looked at my surroundings. "I've just sent our coordinates to General Syndulla. She should be here any moment." He turned around and smiled. "Awh Alex, you've got blood everywhere on your face." He flinched a little at the use of his name (Kallus' full name is Alexander Kallus). I cupped his cheek and kissed his nose. "I'll clean you up once Hera gets here." We both smiled at each other as he leaned into my touch.

We had been successfully rescued by Hera and her team and were currently sitting in me and Sabines room. I was cleaning up Kallus' face with a few cotton swabs. "Ah, that stings (y/n)." He hissed. "Well, I'm sorry we were caught." I smirked. He rolled his eyes. "I hope you know I love you." I kissed the tip of his nose, he leaned up and kissed my lips. His lips were cold and mine were warm. "Alright you two, get a room." Sabine walked in and gagged. "Well this was my room before you were here." I smirked as I leaned on the bed. "Yeah yeah, I WAs HeRe as A jeDi wITh KAnaN anD HeRa's BEsT FrIenD." Sabine mocked me. She smirked as I laid back and crossed my arms. "You were a Jedi?" Alex asked me. I glared at Sabine, she rubbed the back of her neck. "Yes, me and Kanan were close as younglings. Even though he was a lot older than me (you were 7 he was 13). So when the order was given we fled the temple away to the lower levels." I looked down at the floor as it was more interesting at this point. "So the love of my life is a Jedi? (Y/n) this is amazing!" He gave me a grin and hugged me. I hugged him back. A small sniffle was heard in the corner. "I love love." Sabine whispered. "Oh ho ho missy get your ass back here!" I growled as I ran after the mandolorian.

"Kanan! Where's my saber your little mando is in need of a lesson!" I ran over to Kanan. "That is the exact reason you can't have it back." He smirked. "Gah!" I pushed his shoulder and ran away. "Hey! (Y/n) you want it? I've been using it for my training." Ezra threw me my (color materiel) saber. "Yes! SABINE!" I high fived Ezra and ran to find Sabine.

Years later...

"Mommy can we go visit uncle Kanan and Ezra?" My 4 year old son asked. "Yeah! Can we! They all live by Aunt Ahsoka too!" My 10 year old daughter asked. "I know you just wanna train with her but of course. Go find Hera and your Father." I smiled and walked to find my shoes and coat.

"Hello Mama." Hera hugged me and rubbed my belly. "Hello Hera, Jacen." I smiled down at the 13 year old boy. He looked just like his father but with his mother's green hair(Lekku color). "Come on Mom I wanna see dad." He looked up at his mom. "Alright everyone's here so let's go!" She smiled and led us all to the Ghost. Alex put his hand around my waist. "I love you babe." He kissed the top of my head and then my belly. "I love you too nerf herder." I smirked and walked up to the cockpit. Hera started pushing buttons and pulling levers with the help of me. As we took off I held my stomach. The little one was kicking me again. Alex walked behind me and watched me focus more on the ship then myself. As Hera pulled us into hyperspace he kissed my lips. I smiled into the kiss, Hera smiled at us. I knew she missed Kanan but he was gone and he would've wanted her to move on without him.

The end!

I'm back again! I only have this draft and that's because holiday was stressful! I did however get a new TV so I've been rewatching all of the SW movies and Tv shows! So expect better and more canon things from my writing! BYE!

Star Wars One shots (Character x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon