44- big mistake

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The girl, that's name I still haven't gotten, comes back a minutes later with two cups of tea. Two?

She places one in front of me.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," she says taking a seat right next to me. Oh crap...

"What brings you to LA?" the girl asks while sipping her tea which she got for herself as well.

"The band," I answer her fast fiddling with the handle of the cup.

If Sam comes out and sees me sitting with her, who knows what will go down. I haven't apologized yet and this is all a surprise. Sam might think I'm on a date or... or...

I shake my head to get that thought out of my head. The girl beside me looks at me with a smile.

"What?" she questions.

"Just thinking."

"What could one of the worlds hottest boy-band members be thinking about?" she asks humorously while leaning back in her chair.

"Someone," I plainly state, not wanting to give her details.

"Oooo, who?" she says like a child.

Does she know about Sam and I?

She probably knows since it's been in magazines and God knows where. But the real question is: are they friends?

"Just Sam. What's taking her so long?" I awkwardly change the subject even though I know it hasn't been a whole five minutes.

"You really care about her, don't you?"

Her statement/question shocks me to say the least. Of course, she has changed the subject back to how I was thinking about Sam.

But her tone is also what surprises me. It's not that fangirl-y mush like 'awe you really like her, don't you? That's so cute!' It was more of a scoff and then 'you really like her, don't you? Ugh.' It was kind of rude. Usually people don't speak to me that way ever since I've become famous. And this shocks me.

"Yeah," I say in monotone.

"Well," she says with a breath. "I'll check up on her." She hurries off into the back again.

Moments later, the girl comes back and without Sam again.

Sam must really not want to talk if she's hiding in the cafés kitchen from me and the apologizing I need to do. I really wish she would come out.

The girl sits back down next to me. And I actually wish she didn't. Usually I would not mind in the slightest if a hot girl or even if a fan was by me, but I came here for a reason and that was Sam. I just need to be left in peace until Sam comes out and I can talk to her about last night. But I can't dismiss this girl, that would be unprofessional of me.

We sit there for a while drinking our tea. I look around the small coffee shop. Nobody knew comes in and the few people that are here, are just casually doing something and not noticing me. I don't mind, at all.

The shop is cute, but nothing where I expected my girlfriend to work at. Occasionally I see a woman walking in and out of the back. She has hair the same color as Sam's: red. That's probably the boss, Rose might be her name, that she mentioned yesterday on our amazing boat date.

She was so fascinated by my life yesterday... and I was excited to tell her about it. The looks on her face when I told her about where One Direction has played and all the places I've been with the boys, made it tempting to laugh. She was so into what I was saying it was hilarious, there couldn't have been a better reaction. No one has listened to me that way in a while.

"So what's being in One Direction like?"

The girl interrupts my thoughts of Sam and our date last night.

"It's great," I say simply.

"When's your next concert?" she asks, wiping a few strands of her straight brown hair from her face and behind her ear.

"We are actually on a break. Not like a break from the band, but a break from preforming. We are residing here for a while so we can work in the studio and do interviews and things of that nature," I answer professionally.

She nods understandingly and smiles. "Is there going to be a new album soon?"

"Maybe," I say cocking my eyebrow. I don't want to give too much away to this girl. For Pete's sake I don't even know her name.

"Oh. What are the other guys like?"

"They're something else, I'll tell you that. Has Sam talked about them?"

She instantly rolls her eyes at another mention of her co-worker. What is her problem? Does she not like Sam?

"Liam's cute, that's for sure," she recovers from her eye roll.

"He's a little shit," I joke.

She laughs and I can't help but laugh with her. She has that laugh that makes you want to laugh with them because you can tell what they are laughing at is funny. Kind of like Sam and last night...

"What's Niall like? And Zayn? Louis?"

"They're all dicks as well, don't let them fool you." She laughs again at what I said.

"You're funny."

I shift uncomfortably in my seat. I don't want it to seem like I'm flirting with her because I most definitely am not. She's just keeping me company while I wait for Sam to finish what's she's doing in the kitchen.


"Yeah what?"

God, this girl and her many, many questions...

"Nothing," I huff.


She takes another sip awkwardly. Mines already finished. I check my phone and I have no messages. Great? What am I supposed to do now while I wait? I really just don't want to be around this girl, even if she is hot.

All of a sudden, I get antsy. "What's the hold up?" I ask, almost yelling.

She seems shocked when I say this so loudly from my seat.

I'm tired of waiting for Sam. I need to talk to her now. I can't wait any longer. The longer I wait, the more time I have to think about what happened. And I don't want that.

"Are you in a rush?" she asks innocently.

"Yes!" I say a little too harshly. But by now, I shouldn't care. I've been waiting for Sam for almost fifteen minutes. I don't want us to be angry at each other anymore.

"What's the rush?" she says calm, disregarding my harsh tone.

I am actually sick of all of her questions.

"What's the rush?" I question back at her. "I've been here for ten- wait fifteen minutes. Maybe even more than that!"

She continues to look at me but her face turns shocked. I can almost see the wheels turning in her head.

"Wait- before you ask 'why does that matter', I'll tell you. Sam had a guy in her dorm at night even though her roommate was there, but still... I flipped out on her and we are so angry at each other because I'm a douche. I may be the whole famous Harry Styles you know from the media, but she knows me more than anyone anymore. I need to fix up our misunderstanding because she... she-"

I am interrupted by my eyes immediately closing. My lips are jammed against someone's. I can't tell who it is because I was staring at the table while saying that huge monologue.

A couple long seconds pass, and I open my eyes to find the girl pulling away with a huge smirk on her face.

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