2- locker

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As I said, this day was not a very good first day. Everything went south from homeroom. Niall wasn't in any of my other classes so I knew like no one. It was sad.

I eventually found my locker. Which was fortunate, I guess. Only one thing was bad about finding my locker. It was right next to the bathrooms. Lucky me!

My combination was tricky so I was standing there trying to get it open for a couple minutes. I was tapped on the shoulder by someone not to soon after 3 minutes was wasted trying to get it open.

I turned around and there was a blonde girl, my height standing in front of me with a bright smile on her face. Her face was so pretty and perfect in every way. So why was she going to talk to me?

"Having trouble?" she joked. "You must be Samantha Summers the new student here at Oakwood. I'm Perrie, senior student body president. Anyway, let me help you. What's your combo?" She tucked her fancily curled hair behind her ears.

"37-14-07," I say awkwardly back. I smile as she gets it open on her first try. "Thank you! that would've taken me forever, so thank you."

"No problem. I was told to check on you every once in a while. Ya know, since your new. So try and find me if you need me. My last name is Edwards so my locker is with the E's which is a little far down the hall and to the left." The bell rang. Great, I was going to be late again. "That's just the one minute warning bell. I better get to class. See ya Samantha!"

"Bye!" I reply as she smiled as turned around and started walking away down the hall. She was really nice. I got to make more friends if everyone is nice like Perrie and Niall. My main priority is getting my locker figured out now. Just as I put my last book at the bottom of my locker, the final late bell rang. I'm sure my next teacher will understand why I'm late.

As I get my calculus supplies out with my schedule in them, someone comes out of the boys bathroom yelling into there phone.

"I'm at school. And anyway I'm not going to. Now I have to go. Once again, I'm late. Now goodbye!" he says.

When his face becomes visible to mind, I see its that Harry Styles guy that made a big deal of me taking his seat in homeroom. His brown curly hair was all messed up probably from pulling on it after that conversation. He looked angry and almost frustrated. He stomped over to right next to me and starts opening the locker right next to mine. Oh great, we are locker buddies! I should've seen it coming. Summers and Styles are pretty close in the alphabet. I'm so stupid. But he on the other hand looks clever but angry right now. I wonder what his conversation was about and who it was to.

"It would be great if you would stop staring at me." His deep voice that sounded similar in a way to Niall's jolted me back to reality. I didn't even realize I was staring. This is so embarrassing. I can feel my cheeks heat up and become red. Curse my ginger-ness.

"Sssorry," I get out. I quickly shut my locker, not double checking for all my stuff. I just start almost running down the hall, not even sure if its the right direction.

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