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It had been a month and a half since I had last spoken to Tewkesbury. I tried to not let it flood my conscience, but every once in a while it would slip in. This would mostly happen in my times of loneliness.

I wondered if he still thought of me, or if he ever considered writing to me again. I know it might be vain but I would enjoy his attention.

Maybe my predictions were accurate and we would never speak again.

I was so certain on my resentment towards Tewkesbury until, he wasn't in my life anymore.

I tried to distract myself of the thought of him by focusing on my school work and my chores, which failed miserably.

My grades began to drop, scaring me tremendously. If I didn't get my act together soon I could kiss all of my dreams goodbye.

"You're heartsick," Caterina told me while painting.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

Even though Caterina was younger, she seemed to know a deal more about this subject than I did.

"It means that you miss and love him," she confirmed. She stopped painting and looked me in the eyes as to reassure me.

I looked down to my hands and for once in my life, I was out of words.

"It's not a bad thing to admit it to yourself, you can't control what the heart wants. Nobody can," She rested her hand on top of mine, her eyes filled with care.

The scariest part of her statement was that
I knew it could've been true. I may have grown more fond of Tewkesbury over the past few months, but did that mean I was in love with him?

I mean, I did think about his smile, and his laugh. I thought about the way he would look at me when he was excited. Or the way he hugged me, making me feel safe.

But how does one know that they're in love?

In all truth, I missed Tewkesbury more than I would admit to anyone or to myself.

"Girls," Caterina and I turned around to Aunt Brookings who towered over us.

She oddly let a smile appear on her stern face. It was small, quick. It looked as if it hurt her spirit to smile but I appreciated the sentiment.

"I'm going to London for a few days and I'm wondering if you would like to accompany me?"

"Even me?" I asked, completely caught off guard.

"Yes Ophelia, you too. But I will warn that if you cause any trouble, I'll gladly leave you there to fend for yourself."

I took the threat quite literally, it seemed like something she would do.

"It'll just be Ophelia and I?" Caterina questioned.

"Yes Lilia and your father are going to the Williams to sort out some business regarding courtship."


I felt bad for Lilia at first, but then I came to realize that this was her dream since she was a child. To be a wife and in time, a mother.

 𝐎𝐇 𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐀 ; lord tewkesbury Where stories live. Discover now