Chapter Six - A Glimmer Of Hope

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After a long and uneasy trip, the Condor finally reached the Guardian Sanctuary. Aerrow looked out the window from his cell and could see the Guardian Sanctuary. It was at this moment that the voice of the Dark Aerrow spoke. 

Dark Aerrow(Voice): Do you really think Arygyn and his mystics can separate us? 

Aerrow: I know Arygyn will have a solution to this. Then we'll finally be rid of your evil once and for all!

The voice of the Dark Aerrow began to laugh much to Aerrow's agony. He desperately hoped that Arygyn would have a solution to his condition. Meanwhile, Piper along with Finn and Junko departed from the Condor and met with Arygyn. 

Arygyn: Storm Hawks! What a pleasant surprise! 

As Arygyn greeted them, he could see the sorrowful look on their faces. He also saw Aerrow nowhere to be seen. 

Arygyn: Where is your leader? Where is Aerrow? 

Piper: He's...he's locked up in the Condor. Something terrible has happened. 

With that, Piper and the other Storm Hawks led Arygyn inside the Condor and into the cell where Aerrow was being held. As soon as Arygyn entered the room, he could feel the dark presence within Aerrow. It was a dark presence that Arygyn immediately recognized. 

Arygyn: So you've returned, Dark Aerrow. 

As soon as Arygyn said this, Dark Aerrow took control of Aerrow's body. A chilling laugh could be heard.

Dark Aerrow: Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily? 

Arygyn: I had hoped your evil had been destroyed. I do not sense Aolroth's power in you. 

Dark Aerrow: A small price to pay for survival. Though you set me back considerably, it doesn't really matter. 

Arygyn: You have troubled this Atmos and all of Atmos for far too long. 

Dark Aerrow: I've only just getting started, old Arygyn. I've got a lot of things planned. So many people to kill. So many things to destroy. It's going to be fun! It'll be just like my Atmos! 

Piper and the other Storm Hawks were stunned into silence as they heard the murderous words of Dark Aerrow leaving the lips of their beloved leader. Hearing this deeply saddened them. Soon enough, Aerrow regained control of his body after a brief but terrible struggle. 

Aerrow: Get out! GET OUT!

As Aerrow regained control of his body, he began to breathe heavily. Piper then rushed to Arygyn's side. 

Piper: Can't you help him?! He's...he's in pain!

Arygyn: The magic that has afflicted Aerrow is of a time long before mine. 

Finn: Well how do we undo this?! 

Arygyn: There is nothing I can do. There is nothing any Guardian here can do.

Upon hearing this, Aerrow and the Storm Hawks felt disheartened. Aerrow most of all was demoralized. He had hoped to hear that Arygyn would be able to help him. Now he felt as if he was doomed to eventually lose control of his body and the Dark Aerrow would take over. 

Arygyn: However, there are ancient places in Atmos that may have the solution to your problem. 

Piper: There is?! Where?!

Arygyn: I must warn you all. You will not like this. 

Junko: We have to help Aerrow! What place could be so bad?

Arygyn: The Temple of Aolroth.

Upon hearing this, the Storm Hawks became deeply troubled. They had not been at the Temple of Aolroth since the battle with Aolroth and the Black Hawks a year ago. 

Stork: The Temple of Aolroth?!

Arygyn: The magic that the Dark Aerrow used was magic of Aolorth. Only the Temple can help you. 

Piper: But Cyclonis cleared the Temple after the battle! She destroyed every record of Aolroth!

Arygyn: Not everything, Piper. For you see, the Temple holds countless secrets. Secrets that very few in all of Atmos know of. Those secrets can not only liberate your mind from the Dark Aerrow, but it will destroy him once and for all. 

Upon hearing this, there was a glimmer of hope for Aerrow and the Storm Hawks. However, Arygyn's expression was still grim. 

Arygyn: However, if one is to endure this process, one must possess great willpower. If not, then the consequences could be dire. 

Aerrow: What kind of consequence?

Arygyn: Your body and mind will be vulnerable to takeover. There is a strong possibility that the Dark Aerrow could take over your body and banish your mind. 

Upon hearing this, the Storm Hawks were even more troubled by this. Before Aerrow could respond, the Dark Aerrow had taken over his body. A sick and sadistic smile fell on his face followed by a sinister laugh. 

Dark Aerrow: Well this just got interesting. 

Piper: Shut up! You won't win! Aerrow will beat you and you'll destroyed! 

Dark Aerrow: Oh sweet Piper. That's what Aerrow said the first time. That's also what he said the time. Do you really think it'll work the third time around?

Finn: Third time's the charm, asshole!

Arygyn: We must hurry to the Temple of Aolroth. I will inform you of the ritual once we get moving. We have little time. 

With that, the Storm Hawks now had a glimmer of hope. As the Condor began to take off, Aerrow would continue to battle against the Dark Aerrow for control of his body and mind. But only the ritual in the long abandoned Temple of Aolroth would be Aerrow's only salvation. While it presented a great risk, Aerrow was willing to take it if it meant destroying the Dark Aerrow for good.   

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