Chapter One - Blind Rage

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Months have passed since the Storm Hawks defeated the Dark Aerrow and prevented him from unleashing the Blackest Night upon all of reality. In that time, things seemed to go back to normal for the Sky Knights. The Storm Hawks resumed their fight against Master Cyclonis and the Cyclonian Empire. One day, the Storm Hawks came across a secret Talon Outpost set up near Terra Gale. The Storm Hawks quickly intercepted the outpost and attacked. 

Talon Commander: Sky Knights! We've been breached! Arm the garrison and ready the defenses!

The Talons readied themselves as the Storm Hawks attacked the outpost. Despite the obvious dangers, the Storm Hawks felt right at home. 

Aerrow: Heads up, guys! Those Talons won't go down without a fight!

Finn: This'll be a piece of cake!

The Storm Hawks began to fight their way through the outpost while the Talons attempted to push them out with little success. Eventually, they reached the doorway that led to the outpost's command center. Aerrow attempts to open it, but the door is sealed. 

Aerrow: Looks like the Talons are holding up at the command center. Junko? Could you give us a hand?

Junko: Got it covered, Aerrow!

Junko cracked his knuckles and readied his Knucklebusters and used his immense strength to break down the door. As he did, the Talons inside attacked. 

Talon Commander: Defend the command center! Don't let the Sky Knights take this outpost!

The Talons attempt to take out the Storm Hawks, but were unable to do so. After a brief battle, the Storm Hawks took down all the Talons except the commander. When the Storm Hawks surround the commander, he shows no sign of concern. 

Talon Commander: You Sky Knight scum!

Aerrow: Piper. Shut this place down. 

Piper: My pleasure.

Piper then walks over to the console and effectively shuts down the command center as well as download whatever intel was in the computers.

Piper: Computer's all clear, Aerrow. 

Aerrow: Contact the Sky Council. I'm sure they'll want to know about this outpost.

Talon Commander:  Who do you think you are, Sky Knight?! You dare interfere in Cyclonian affairs?! Do you have a death wish?!

Finn: Seriously, dude? In case you didn't notice, we just totally kicked your butts and took this outpost!

Talon Commander: You're gonna regret crossing us Sky Knight! You think you've won, but you will soon realize that Master Cyclonis will triumph over your ilk! The Cyclonian Empire will conquer Atmos!

As the commander continued to belittle the Storm Hawks, Aerrow began to feel something call out to him. Anger soon began to grip his mind as he clenched his fists. 

Talon Commander: Such bravery.....such foolishness. You'll pay dearly with your interference! You are but a minor annoyance in the grand scheme of things. It's time you children learned the price of interfering in the efforts of Master Cyclonis! 

The anger within Aerrow grew. He didn't know what was causing this anger. This anger seemed unnatural and seemed to call out to him. Rage flared up Aerrow's eyes as he gritted his teeth. 

Talon Commander: No matter what you do, all shall fall before the might of the Cyclonian Empire! 

Without warning, Aerrow lunged at the commander and began to beat him down. The rest of the Storm Hawks were shocked to see this display from Aerrow. They had never seen such rage in their leader. It was as if Aerrow had become a completely different person.

Aerrow: Big talk coming from a worm like you! Tell me, how many boots did you lick to land you your rank?! Scum like you make me sick!

Talon Commander: S...stop this! You can't do this to me!

Aerrow: Can't I? Who's gonna stop me? Cyclonis don't give a damn about you!

Aerrow continued to beat down the commander with anger and ruthlessness. The Storm Hawks couldn't believe the sight they were seeing. 

Talon Commander: P...please....mercy!

Aerrow: You want mercy?! I'm all out of mercy! You think a dog like you deserves mercy! I should kill you right here and now!

Piper: Aerrow, stop! 

As Piper called out to Aerrow, he snapped out of his seemingly blind rage and stopped beating on the commander. Aerrow looked and saw a bloodied and beaten commander who was writhing in pain. Aerrow then looked to his bruised and bloodied fists and was in shock at what had just happened. 

Aerrow: I...I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me....

Radarr chirped his concern to Aerrow. At that point, Aerrow himself didn't know what had happened. 

Aerrow: I....I don't know. 

Piper then walked over to the beaten commander and checked his condition. She saw that the commander was a bloody mess and that he was beaten nearly half to death. As the wounded commander glanced over to Aerrow, fear was seen in the commander's eyes.

Talon Commander: Get that....animal away from me! Don't let him touch me!

Aerrow was in shock at the fear on that Talon's face as moments ago he had shown no concern. He couldn't believe that this had happened. Aerrow soon glanced over to his stunned teammates. 

Aerrow: Let's...let's get back to the Condor. 

With that, the Storm Hawks left the Cyclonian Outpost and made their way back to the Condor. As the Condor took off, Aerrow as well as the rest of the Storm Hawks would reflect on what had just happened. Aerrow had seemingly lost control of his anger and nearly killed a man in a blind rage. What Aerrow didn't know was that this was only the beginning of something terrible. 

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