Infinite was now getting weak along with the Phantom Ruby as he tried to blast them and give them illusions, but Sonic and Y/N easily dodge all of them without breaking a sweat. They then ram into Infinite once more by spin dashing together.

"Here goes, sis!"

"Ready, bro!"

"When we join forces, the sky's the limit!"

Sonic and Y/N jump up high and gave each other a fist bump and they started spinning as they yell.

"Double Boost!!"

Infinite's eyes widen to see how fast they are and tried to block by crossing his arms to cover himself. But their speed is no match for him as they ram into Infinite with their final blow. Infinite flew back and collapsed on the ground, defeated.


Infinite is in a glitch-like state on the ground before Sonic and Y/N after having been dealt a powerful defeat by them.

"Impossible. I cannot be defeated."

"Wrong, loser! The things that can't be defeated are heart, soul, and the bonds of friendship. Three things you and your counterfeit cronies lack!" Sonic glared.

Infinite pounds his fist on the ground in frustration at Sonic's truth, before finding himself being lifted into the air against his will. Infinite struggles to stand up.

"No, wait! I can still fight!"

Y/N looks at him in worry of what's going on with him. Just as she was about to say something, a white flashes before her eyes. Y/N suddenly saw Infinite being faded away to the unknown location and... his Phantom Ruby being pulled out roughly from his chest by Eggman with blood coming out and him being left to die... Her eyes widen to see a future of what's going to happen to him. Without a second though, she ran towards Infinite ignoring Sonic's call and pull Infinite down and start pulling the Phantom Ruby.

"W-What are you doing?! Stop!"

Y/N ignored him and kept on pulling the ruby out. She's doing this for his own sake and safety if he's ever going to live and he deserve a better life. With a few more pulling and Infinite's pained shouts was heard, she finally pulled out the ruby from his chest and threw it to the ground before it fade away to the unknown location as Infinite was luckily not brought with it since he's now no longer bond to that hideous gem. Y/N turned to see Infinite down as he collapsed on his knees, holding his chest in pain. She gasped to see his chest bleeding and immediately covered them with her hands, not caring if the blood is staining her hands.

"What did you do to me?! Are you trying to kill me?!" Infinite shouted, glaring at her with wide eyes.

Y/N ignored him again and focused on stopping the blood as Sonic looks on not knowing what to do. Oh, how she wishes she had a crystal for her to heal him. But she didn't know that she jinxed it as if it had granted her wish. Her hands that are on Infinite's chest are glowing white, surprising her and Infinite. Y/N looked down to see her chest glowing.

She realized that her crystal was with her the whole time and she didn't know that as she thought it was gone, but somehow it was hidden inside her. Y/N glare in determination as she went back to healing Infinite's chest wound and the crystal gladly helped out as his chest glowed white before the light flashes before them. Sonic covered his eyes from such bright light. Once the light fades away, Sonic opened his eyes and was surprised to see Infinite's chest is now healed and better, and the blood on Y/N's hands are gone and clean. Infinite was speechless at such power Y/N had hold for a long time. Y/N smiled in happiness to see him okay and fine. He looks at her.

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