
Start from the beginning

The man looked at her and paused. He nodded slowly, "Yeah. That was her."

Y/n nodded and turned around walking towards Allison. She walked past her, "Harold's the guy, we just need to find him." She started walking out the door.

"Where are you going?" Allison asked.

"I haven't slept for over two hours since Dad died. I'm getting myself a damn coffee."


Y/n lazily grabbed a cup and put it on the counter. She grabbed the pot of coffee and poured it until the cup was almost all the way full. Sighing, she put the pot down and put a cap on the cup. She went to grab it but pulled her hand back. She shook her hand at the warmth of the cup and grabbed a cover, putting it on so she could hold it. An old woman next to her eyed her weirdly.

She ignored the woman and picked up the cup, walking over to a seat, sitting down and crossing her legs. She sipped her coffee and picked up a magazine, opening it and reading it.

The woman from earlier sat across from her and started staring at her. Y/n could sense it and she rolled her eyes behind the magazine.

Snapping the magazine shut, she threw it down on the table. She gulped down the rest of her coffee, crushing the cup in her hand and throwing it into a trash can a few feet away. "Got a problem asshole?" she snapped. The woman quivered, sinking into her chair.

"Y/N! There you are!" Allison exclaimed, walking over to Y/n.

"Hello beloved sister," she stated, fake smiling at Allison.

"Are you okay?"


Allison shook her head. "Look, Vanya and Leonard were here this morning. I think that they were here when we went to the cabin. And, according to a nurse, that guy we were talking to just vanished."

"Vanished? Like poof?"

"Yeah, poof."

Y/n furrowed her brows, "That makes no sense."

"I know. But we need to go and get Vanya. I don't want her to be around that lunatic any longer than she has been."

Y/n nodded in agreement. "Okay, one sec. Let me get another coffee." She got up and walked to the coffee pot.

"Vanya's life is in danger along with the rest of humanity itself and you're worried about getting more coffee?"

Y/n grabbed a cup and started pouring the coffee in it. She put a cap and cover on it, turning to Allison. "I'm living off of six hours of sleep and caffeine within the past week. I need more coffee if you want me to not pass out," Y/n snapped. She started walking out of the hospital, "Come on. let's go get our sister."


Y/n followed Allison up the steps to the cabin. They both looked around at everything that was moving as if a ghost was there trying to mess with them. Lights were swinging around and there was violin music coming from inside the cabin. Walking onto the porch, Y/n walked over to a chair that was rocking itself make and forth. She went to touch it but she retracted her hand. She shook it as if it would get the burning sensation to leave it. "What the hell is going on?" she asked, turning to Allison who was looking around just as confused as Y/n.

"Vanya?" Allison yelled.

"Vanya are you in there?" Y/n yelled, walking next to Allison.

"Is that you?" Allison shouted, hoping that if Vanya was inside she would hear them.

They walked up to the door and Allison put her hand on the doorknob. She looked to the side at Y/n and gave her a worried look. Y/n shivered and nodded. Allison nodded slightly and twisted the doorknob, pushing open the door and walking inside. Y/n took a deep breath and followed behind Allison.

what the hell happened to you?//five hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now