July 26th 1810 - Beginning of the second cycle.

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The four youngsters looked around confused, that placed seemed like a scenario for an old movie. They were in the middle of a dirt road, surrounded by the woods; just the moonlight shone everything around them.

– Where are we? – Marek asked urgently.

– Jonas? When are we? – Said the woman without answering him, revealing the blond man’s name.

– I-I don’t know… – He said stammering. – I’m sure the destination was 1987! This isn’t possible!

Jonas started to stir the orb again, spinning and pulling the pins. It started to glow again, but this time, weaker and fading right after that.

– That can’t be happening. Give it to me! – The woman took it from Jonas’ hand, making the same movements, unsuccessfully.

– What the hell is happening here? – Marek spoke firmly calling their attention.

– It’s not working, I don’t know why it’s not working! – Jonas looked distressed.

That made Sonja nervous tightening her boyfriend’s hand. Her heart froze realizing what was going on. They did not leave Winden.

– It’s true… – She concluded quietly, recognizing the shape of the road and some details that even in different times were still the same. – Which year is it?

– We don’t know. – The woman said. – The machine failed, we didn’t mean to bring you here. But we’re gonna find a way. I promise.

Marek laughed loud about this situation, the penny didn’t drop for him. Maybe he was just dreaming.

– The machine failed… – He repeated sarcastically. – That’s all I needed.

– Martha, do you have some tools on the bag? – asked Jonas finally revealing her name.

– Yes, I did! – Said Martha to Jonas as she opened her bag to check. – We need to find a safe place and try to fix it.

– Okay, let’s go! – Jonas said turning around.

– Wait a minute, we’re not going anywhere with you! – Marek was getting pissed off with the lack of answers. – Let’s pretend all that shit is true, so that means we’re stuck here, without even knowing when are we? That’s gotta be a joke. – Nervous, he ran his hand through his hair.

– We are telling the truth. And we’re gonna find a way to take you out of here, but you guys can’t walk around in an unknown time, it must be dangerous. – Jonas answered worried.

– Dangerous for me is to stay close to you two. I hope I never see your faces again. – He turned around abruptly going on the opposite direction.

Sonja watched the whole scene silent. She felt like the best thing to do was to stay with the strangers, they would know what to do, they already had experience in this time traveling thing and different times. But this time she did not dare to contradict Marek and just followed him, turning back one last time to look at the strangers and then running to her boyfriend again.

Marek and Sonja walked towards the city, or where they imagined the city would be. Both of them looking at all the details around them, recognizing even more items from their time. They walked for a long time, much more than they would take to reach the Winden center at 1971. Tired, they spotted a small village. Marek held her hand when they got closer, showing her protection. She brought her body closer to his, in fact, feeling safer with him beside her.

It was difficult to accept this was really happening, but deeply Marek realized his father was always right. So, time travel was real, and apparently his father invented the machine. After the flood of information, Marek’s mind turned into a hell, jumping from question to question in less than a second. He tried not to think about all of that right now, after all they had a bigger problem to solve at the moment.

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