Chapter 2

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 "J-James?" he asked in utter disbelief. Harry shook his head.

"Er- close? I'm his son."

"Wait, what year is it?"

"1998. Ok I know this sounds crazy but I brought you back from the dead. You see I defeated Voldemort-"

"YOU DEFEATED HIM? OH THANK MERLIN! I came here to get the Horcrux and I gave it to Kreacher and I don't remember anything else."

"Yeah actually thank you for trying to kill him. Oh and we need to go to Hogwarts," Harry said suddenly. Regulus was reluctant at first but then agreed. "Ok, so I need to put a disillusion charm on you ok?" He nodded and did so before he walked into the great hall and was greeted with quite the sight. Sirius had James pinned to the ground while Remus was trying to pull him off and Lily looked absolutely terrified.

"HEY!" Harry yelled. "SIRIUS GET OFF OF HIM!" He started to protest. "NOW!" He did as he was told and James went over to Lily staring in disbelief at Harry who was a carbon copy of himself except for the eyes- Lily's eyes. Harry then went over and jumped onto Sirius as he did Remus.

"Why do you look so much older?" he asked, confused.

"Well, er- Bellatrix killed you at the Department of Mysteries. It is currently May 2, 1998, the day Harry here killed Voldemort once and for all," Hermione explained. All the previously dead who weren't there for the explanation all looked at him horrified.

"Wait, you said it was 1998 making Harry only-" Lily started with her eyes watering.

"Making me only 17, yes," Harry finished for her, not meeting her eyes.

"Good job Harry!" Sirius said patting him on the back. "Now I was just told I was dead and now I'm alive as well as my dead best friends so can someone explain what the bloody hell is going on?"

"You see, my brilliant best friend here killed Voldemort, became the master of Death, and was able to bring eight people back from the dead including you guys," Ron explained again. Sirius went over to James.

"Turn into Prongs the I will believe you," he said. James just simply nodded and where he was standing was a big stag. "Prongs," he whispered. James turned back into James and was attacked by a bear hug. "LILYFLOWER!" he then yelled turning to face Lily who was now smiling, crying, and nodding. He hugged her too.

"Where's Cedric?" Harry asked.

"McGonagall explained everything to him and brought him to his dad. She also mentioned to tell you that he thanks you," Remus said, hugging James, Lily, and Sirius.

"Oh ok. Sirius, I have something to tell you, and please don't yell at me," Harry said. Sirius nodded skeptically. "Well, it's about your brother Regulus. You were never told how he died right? You were just told he was killed?" Sirius nodded, confused as to why he was talking to him about his little brother. "He was killed by Inferi who were being controlled by Voldemort. Well, he was also killed trying to destroy Voldemort."

"So he ended up on the good side," Sirius mumbled while Harry just nodded. "I miss him." Harry started grinning like an idiot. "Why are you smiling like Christmas has come early, Harry?"

"Well it's hard to explain so I'll just show you," he said before removing the disillusion charm off of Regulus.

"Reggie?" Sirius whispered with tears in his eyes.

"Sirius," Regulus said quietly before being tackled to the ground by Sirius hugging him. While they were having their little reunion Nymphadora came up to Harry and hugged him.

"Why did you bring me back? We weren't that close," she asked him. He just smiled at her before responding.

"I figured no child should have to grow up without their parents as I did. Plus Remus would probably go all wolf on me if I had just brought him back like he did earlier this year-" he was cut off by the chuckling of Remus.

"Yeah I probably would," Remus said fondly looking at his wife.


"You can't call her that anymore," Harry said with a smile.

"Why not?" Sirius asked.

"It's Lupin now," Remus explained with a stupid grin on his face.


"Ok, first of all, he did not 'knock me up', we had a child together, grow up, and to be fair he thought that I deserved someone better than him so I had to convince him," Nymphadora explained.


"OF COURSE I DO!" Remus yelled back.

"Ok let's all calm down ok? I don't want either of you to be killed the day I got you back," Harry said. They both glanced at each other before nodding. By this time everyone who wasn't close with any of the people there had realized this was personal and left them alone.

"Er- Harry?" James asked, cautious of how his son who doesn't remember him would react.

"Yes?" Harry asked. "Dad," he quickly added. Everyone around him smiled, happy that he could finally have his family back.

"So how great was your life on a scale of 1-10?" James asked with a grin that slightly faltered when he saw the reactions of the people around him. "What's wrong?"

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