Part One

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Please point out any mistakes. Cover by elisabethradcliffe24.

"Jessica, can you go get some more ice from the basement freezer, please?" Damien politely asked his older sister as he was busy catching up with his best friends, Justin and Elijah. Jessica rolled her eyes, but got up and went downstairs without arguing. He knows she is terrified of basements.

She walked through the kitchen, down three steps, and walked across a hallway until she stood in front of a door. Taking a deep breath and pushing aside her terrible fear of basements, she brought her hand to the doorknob and twisted it before pushing open the door. The door made a creaking noise, causing Jessica's fear to return. She heard Damien shouting for her to hurry up, and so she hurried down the stairs, opened the deep freezer, and grabbed a bag of ice before slamming the freezer shut and running back towards the stairs. On her way there, she noticed another door peeking out from behind the stairs. Feeling a panic attack rise as she saw it open the slightest bit, she dropped the ice, screamed, and ran up the steep stairs. Slamming the door shut behind her, she ran back into the living room and into the arms of her boyfriend, who is the love of her life.

Panting and gasping for air, her panic only grew stronger. As her panic grew, she felt the tips of her fingers start to tingle- a sign of an upcoming panic attack. The simple knowledge of her about to have a panic attack terrified her to no end, thus sending her into a full-blown panic attack.

Lucas was worried for his girlfriend. Sure, he's experienced her have many panic attacks, but not for no reason whatsoever. Was there a spider in the basement? A snake? Why is she having a panic attack right now?

Sitting on the floor, he lies Jessica down and places her head on his lap. Stroking her hair back, he speaks to her in a soft voice, "baby, what's wrong? What did you see?"

Jessica was crying and shaking violently when she suddenly shot up. "I have to get out of here," she spoke loudly through gasps and cries. "I have to get out of here!" She screamed through her panic.

Lucas was confused. Why would she say that? Did she not like the house he helped her brother pick out? What was it that had her so scared?

"Baby, what is it?" She tried explaining what she saw, but Lucas couldn't understand her. Grabbing her face and bringing it to his chest, he stroked her hair again while rubbing her back in gentle circles while cooing sweet words into her hear softly. After he saw she had calmed down a few minutes later, he asked her again: "What is it? What did you see, babe?"

Horrified, she answered him, "we're not alone in this house." Her answer only confused the man further, so she gave him a more detailed answer, "I was about to walk up the stairs when I saw a door behind the stairs. It was closed."

Luke wasn't amused, "so you were just putting on a little act this entire fucking time? Are you serious?"

Jessica shook her head, "I said was, Luke. Was is past tense."

Damien decided to cut in at the moment, "so you opened it. What was in there?"

Jessica only looked more scared while she spoke the words that sent chills up everyone's spines, "I didn't open it. I would've thought it was just moving open more because it was on a slant, but it wasn't. It was completely closed, and the worst part was that I saw someone's fingers peeking out of the door frame. There's someone in the basement, guys, and I'm so scared right now."

Lucas held Jessica tighter to his body as he kissed the top of her head. He tilted her head up to look into his eyes. "Do you want me to go check it out?" he inquired.

Jessica shook her head frantically and told him in a fearful tone of voice, "you can get killed! I don't want you to die!"

"I won't, I promise. I'll be back soon, okay? I'll even bring a knife to protect myself if there's someone down there." He got up after giving Jessica a sweet kiss to the lips and telling her he loves her, before walking off to inspect the basement.

As the minutes slowly passed by, Jessica grew more worried for her lover. "He'll be back soon," she thought to herself, "he promised he would." Why isn't Luke back? Is he okay? Is he dead? Did he or she or they get him?

Jessica was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice her boyfriend sitting by her until he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "It's all clear, no one is down there. I triple checked, just for you," Luke told her with his lips pressed to her temple.

Jessica let out a sigh of relief once she noticed he was back by her side and unharmed. "I could've sworn I saw that door open," she didn't realize she was speaking her thoughts. She look up and over at him, staring into his beautiful blue eyes. "Thank you, Luke," she gave him a gentle kiss, "for everything. You could've been killed down there. You've risked so much for me, and for that, I am grateful."

Luke only smiled and nodded at her, giving her a kiss back. "I'd do anything for you," his gentle voice soothed Jessica's worries, replacing all the bad emotions with those of pure love and adoration. She was so madly in love with the man next to her. Whenever he was with her, she feels nothing but happiness and love. Her heart flutters at the slightest movements and the smallest of words from Luke. She'd do anything for him - even if it meant she'd be dead in the end of it all.

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