Growing By One - Chapter One

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Fianna ran to Hagrid and hugged him.

“Hagrid,” she shrieked with glee.

Hagrid smiled at the little girl and patted her on the head, which resulted in a small headache as Fianna felt as if someone pounded on her head with a cauldron.

Remus decided to intervene and pulled Fianna to him, saving her from more pain. She smiled gratefully and leaned on him to wait until her dizziness passed.

Harry and Sirius rolled their eyes at the girl’s dramatics and waited patiently that Remus finished his chat with Hagrid and they were off to their respective vaults.

After they came out of the bank, the adults leaded the kids in the first shop (Flourish and Blott's) where they bought their course books and Sirius treated them to a few off-course books.

Harry immediately ran off to the Quidditch section of the store, while Fianna trotted to the Potions section. She was determined to change the life of one Severus Snape for the better. He definitively did not deserve to die in the seventh book and she was going to prevent that from ever happening.

She browsed the books for a while and then decided on Moste Potente Potions, so that they wouldn't have to borrow the book in their second year if it came to that, an Animagus Guide and went off to Charms section to find a book with charms that were dedicated to pranks. She also took another Potions book called The Encyclopaedia of Potion Ingredients and Hogwarts: a History, and went back to her daddy.

They waited for Harry to come back too and Sirius paid for the books. Fianna grinned to herself as she noticed that neither of the adults seemed interested in the books the children chose.

She and Harry winked to each other and followed their escorts.

Their next stop was the Apothecary where they bought their potion ingredients and scales.

Then they went to Eeylops Owl Emporium where Harry and Fianna were told to pick an owl. Harry started to look around when Fianna caught a glimpse of a snowy white owl and an obsidian black screech owl. She went over to Harry and pulled him to the two owls.

His eyes bugged and Fianna whispered,

“We could name them Angel and Devil, what do you think?”

Harry snorted and it was decided. They showed the owls to Remus and Sirius, both of them delighted on their selection. Fianna added,

“We already know how to call them too.”

Sirius rolled his eyes, but Remus punched him on the arm and asked,

“What will their names be?”

Harry grinned,

“The white one is going to be Angel and the black one Devil.”

This time Remus was the one to roll his eyes.

“You two are impossible,” he said.

Fianna made a courtesy, while Harry bowed and she said,

“Why thank you, what a compliment, don’t you think Mr Potter?”

“Why, I totally agree with you Miss Lupin.”

Sirius smiled at them and whispered to Remus,

“I love it, how they complement each other.”

Remus nodded and said,

“If it weren’t for different parents, they could be twins.”

Fianna and Harry looked at each other, then at Remus.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2011 ⏰

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