A Raccoon's Weak Bladder (Lifty Omorashi)

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One of the brothers' shots went well, now they are trying to make them lose track by driving casually.
However, the younger of the twins, Lifty, has a little urgency that he will communicate to the older twin only when the situation was really desperate.
Shifty underestimated her brother's desperation, thinking it was a way to get attention.
All this will lead Lifty to the inevitable accident.

A Raccoon's Weak Bladder (Lifty Omorashi)

Lifty and Shifty, twins and a famous couple of thieves.

Shifty, the older twin, was the leader of the group, made the important decisions and masterminded the robberies.

Lifty, the younger twin, helped his brother with his plans and then shared the loot with the twin.

Their jewelry robbery had been successful that day; they had managed to get everything and escape before Splendid arrived.

They took the car and ran away and to lose track they began to turn at random in the wooded area surrounding the city.

Lifty hadn't gone to the bathroom since that morning, he was sure he would be able to keep her for a few hours, he had always managed to keep her for all their robberies.

A few hours had passed and by now the couple of thieves were lost in the streets surrounded by trees
"Are you sure you know where we are? And do you know how to get home?" Asked the younger twin a little agitated, feeling small pains in the lower abdomen
"I'm sure we're not that far from home," Shifty replied confidently
"Okay" Lifty replied without talking about his urgency with his brother, Lifty believed Shifty and thought that soon they will be home and there he can use the bathroom.

Another 10 minutes passed. Lifty was trying to ignore his full bladder, but when he almost forgot about his little problem, a sign caught his attention.

HAPPY TREE TOWN: 1 hour from here

This startled him, he knew they were far from the city, but he didn't think much about it; anxiety took over for a moment, almost making him give up and make his seat wet.

Lifty took a deep breath, crossed her legs and continued to hold all the liquid that was in her bladder.

Another fifteen minutes passed and Lifty couldn't take it anymore, he wanted to ask his brother to stop there, he would pee in the woods; even a bottle would do anything to free his bladder.

Suddenly he saw a sign for a gas station 500 meters from there, so he took a deep breath and asked his brother: "There is a gas station a little further, can we stop ???"
"Why?" The twin asked him
Lifty was a little hesitant to answer, but then said, "I need ... to ... go to the bathroom"

Shifty sighed, then said no more; Lifty knew when his brother hated stopping when they were in the car, but for some strange reason he was optimistic this time.

3 minutes passed, the gas station was in front of them, Lifty's eyes sparkled with joy, but that joy didn't last long when he saw his brother pass without stopping

"Why!?!?" Lifty asked Shifty

"It's useless breaks," Shifty said to her twin

"So if you don't want to stop give me a FUCKING bottle, because my bladder is exploding here !!!" Lifty said as he squirmed

"Come on, don't be the baby, you're perfectly capable of hold it" Shifty replied

"I'm not a baby, I don't go to the bathroom since before the robbery, I can't hold it anymore !!!" Lifty shouted

"I know what game you're playing little brother" Shifty said "You're just trying to get attention! But
this enough now, this joke isn't funny anymore"

Lifty's eyes filled with tears, he felt betrayed by his brother; because she didn't want to believe him, yet she did everything she could to make him understand.

Lifty's bladder gave way and a sea of ​​warm urine flowed over the poor raccoon's legs as the seat beneath him soaked.
Big tears now flowed from Lifty's eyes; he was mad at his brother for not believing him, but the feeling he felt most was that he felt like a baby.
He wished his brother didn't see him like this, but ironically his brother turned away.
Lifty lowered her ears, brought her knees to her chest and buried his face on it, he didn't want to meet his twin's gaze for any reason.

There were a few minutes, then Shifty said shyly: "I'm sorry"
he felt guilty about what had happened to his brother, partly his fault, Lifty had told him it was an emergency, but he didn't want to believe him.

Lifty didn't speak, or least didn't want to speak at that moment; for now he just wanted to curl up with his head on his knees and try to forget what had just happened, meanwhile the urine had cool down and slowly Lifty was starting to feel better.

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