Hello agent

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You woke up to your alarm going off at 6:00 am, you get ready for your morning run and head out of the door remembering to lock it so no one goes in your room.

after your run

you got back to the tower and headed up to your room, you took a shower and got ready for the day. you went to the kitchen and started making breakfast for everyone because they wake up late ofc. you made breakfast and told Jarvis to call everyone to come down to eat breakfast.

they're coming miss jones said Jarvis,  you thanked Jarvis. You started putting the food on the table and then a couple of mins they arrived, and everyone sat in their spots, wanting to start eating. but then you saw TThor making another plate for someone. so you told everyone to stop and not eat yet. they all looked at you confused, but you ignored them and looked at Thor.

Hey Thor, you said

yes, miss Jones, thor replied. what are you doing with that food?  you asked pointing at the plate that he was putting on food

oh, I'm making a plate for my brother, miss Jones, I hope you don't mind. no no it's okay but I thought I said that everyone should be here. you said. Jarvis why is thor's brother not with us eating breakfast. you asked.

he's the prisoner that, is being held here, Jarvis replied. well, next time I say tell everyone include him too, okay Jarvis. yes ma'am I will Jarvis respond.

What!?! everyone looked at you like you just told them that you killed someone, You can't do that Cj tony said, actually Edward I can and I just did so shush. Cj we just caught this dude, he can escape, Nat said. Okay okay, relax you guys can stop glaring at me, ill go get him and keep him under my watch and if anything bad happens and he caused it'll be my problem and if nick gets mad it was my decision. Everyone was thinking about it for a bit,

clint - fine, but if anything happens it's your fault

yeah yeah I know, that what I just said, were you eve listening

tony- I'm kinda sus with this but fine, but I swear to thor if you lose him.

relax I won't lose him...

nat- I trust you, so sure

steve- mhm okay, can we eat now, please

sure ill go get him

thor- hey miss Jones

yes thor, what's up

thor- thank you

mhmm ur welcome ig

you started heading towards the cells where you keep the prisoners, and then you see the guards, so you go up to them and you can see the prisoner, which you're assuming is Thor's brother.

hey Nick and James, how are you guys?

Nick- hey agent jones

James- hey jones, we're good about yourself

I'm good, I'm here to pick up thor's brother

nick- right well get him for you

James- are you sure about this agent

yeah ofc I am now can you guys please hurry, I'm in a hurry right now sorry

nick - right sorry

James- we'll be back

a couple of mins passed they got thor's brother out and they're coming towards you. you're starting to wonder how they're related because they don't look like each other. you didn't realize that you were staring at him until he says "staring isn't nice, don't you know that "

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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