I felt at home. A warmth spread through me as the unfamiliar feeling of happiness folded out inside me. It felt like sunlike peaking through the clouds after a month long rainstorm. 

Putting on my heels, I stood up from my place at the vanity, giving myself some last minute touch ups.

Hermione and the other girls looked quite amazing as well. Hermione in her simple red dress made her dark curly hair stand out like a rainbow in a bleak sky. Ginny's olive green dress complimented her pale complexion. And Shea and Alexandra looked as beautiful as ever.

We looked like a couple of badasses, and we were going to have the time of our lives.

Leaving the dorm, we headed down the stone stairs and into the common room, which was quite empty, considering that the ball had already started.

We then rushed to the Great Hall where the boys were patiently waiting.

Harry lit up at the sight of Ginny, which made my own heart leap for her. Ron pulled Hermione into a hug as he told her she looked stunning, and Shea and Alexandra's dates were already pulling them into the hall.

I met Cedric's eyes as he slowly looked me up and down, "My God Grier, you look beautiful." I couldn't help the reddening of my face as I wrapped my arms around him, "Thank you Ced. Are you ready for the time of your life?"

I could hear the pounding of music from the Great Hall as we turned the corner, a gasp escaping my lips.

It had been transformed into a world of white that cascaded down the ceiling and to the ancient floor. Snowflakes slowly drifted down to the bustling dance floor where students and teachers alike relinquished every worry. Glittering tables of white mirrored the environment as they held food and legal refreshments. The windows at the far side of the Great Hall beheld frost on the panes as the large curtains possessed the same frosted look.

A stark contrast to the rainbow of colors that moved swiftly to the beat of the music as students blissfully relished on the dance floor. 

Slowly entering, Cedric placed his hand on my lower back, guiding me to the dance floor, but I was still mesmerized by my surroundings. Large Christmas trees towered at the end of the hall with crystals hanging from their branches, which caught the light, making the room glow.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and began synchronizing my body with Cedric's, moving to the beat of the music. Hermione and Ron soon appeared beside us, dancing like their lives depended on it.

We sang each passing song with terrible effort, but peaking enthusiasm. I lost myself in the people around me. I would allow myself to slip away from reality to heal the sad soul that plagued my usually mirthful personality. 

Who knew the Spice Girls were so good.

I soon excused myself to quench my unbearable thirst as I hurried away from the group and towards the refreshments.

I reached out to grab a cup, but was interrupted by a pair of cold hands running along my lower back. there was no need to question who it was, even before my eyes laid upon him.

He looked unreal as the lights danced across his sullen expression, leaving me breathless.

"Hi," he managed to wrap me around his finger with a single word, just as the music changed to a slow rhythm.

I was shocked when he reached out his hand, desperation in his voice, "Dance with me."

I slowly placed my hand in his, swallowing any regret that came with the action I so desired. He slowly pulled me back to the dance floor, where many students watched us with stunned expressions.

Book 1: Of Thorns & RosesWhere stories live. Discover now