You're My Home

453 33 11

A Part II of the No Matter If We're Close Or Far of some sorts hehe


"Tine, I'm on the way home," Sarawat says on the phone.

"Hello? Wat?" Tine looks at his phone screen. A little disoriented from sleep.

"What do you mean you're coming home?" Tine asks again while he squints his eyes to see his screen.

"Wat, it's 1:30 AM." Tine adds.

"I'm on the 1:30 AM flight." Wat replies.

"What do you mean, you're on the 1:30 AM? Your flight is not till 9 AM right?" Tine asks confusedly.

"Tine, baby. Listen carefully. I'm on the way home. And you have to fetch me."

"Why?"  Tine asks even more confused.

"Because I don't think I can wait for a taxi," Wat excuses.

"Because- There's no way I'll wait till later to see you. I've given them 3 days of my time. I can't give them anymore." Sarawat supplies.

Tine's mind less foggy because of those words, bites his lip, closes his eyes, and exhales loudly. His boyfriend is too stubborn sometimes. And he takes the brunt of it.

He pats his beating heart, demanding it to calm down. But he lets out a smile, controlling it from getting wider by biting his lips. Then clears his throat.

"Why are you always in a hurry home, Wat? We'll still see each other in the morning," Tine asks. A little expectant.

"Why won't I hurry to you? You're home." The other male says feigning nonchalance.

Tine feels the blood rush to his face, to his chest, making it pound louder, harder. And exclaims, "Fine! I'll go fetch you. Saraleo!"

"Don't drive alone okay? Bring someone with you." Then ends the call.

He leans on a wall, grabs a bottle of water from the fridge, and scrolls through his phone.

Who can he take with him?

He can't take his friends, he can already hear. "Eh-eh. What a good wife!" And nope, nuh-uh.


Luckily his older brother just got home from an overseas conference. He won't tease, he won't judge. His brother cares and loves him. He'll go with him for his safety, right?

He dials his phone before he doubts further.

"Tine? Why are you calling? You know it's midnight right?" Type says voice laced with sleep.

"P'" Tine starts.

"Tine? What's going on? Are you alright?" Type presses.

"P' please come with me," Tine blurts out.

"Huh? Go where Tine?" Type says, voice panicky.

"To the airport P'. I'm fetching Wat" Tine adds.

A beat, then "What?" Type sounds a little annoyed.

"Okay, I know you're tired. And you literally just came from the airport, but hear me out. Sarawat is leaving earlier than his band. He said he's on the 1:30 AM. And I told him that was crazy, but he said he can't be there with them longer because he's been with them long enough, and that-"

"So, let me get this straight." Type interrupts, effectively stopping Tine's rambling.

"You're boyfriend is leaving earlier because he can't breathe without you. And of course, you can't too. And you have to take ME to the airport? But Tine, WHY ME?" Type's voice raising a little.

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