8: plant tiem

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(A/N: the ending of the exposition was set in December 2021. Yes, the Christmas chapter is canon. Yes, I am terrible at timeframes. shhh)


Internet personalities Quackityhq and Danniraybourne have just announced their engagement! Congrats to the happy couple!


Jeremy POV:

I left the trip a little bit earlier than the rest. I just needed to clear my head for a while. I'm happy for Danni and Quackity, I really am. I needed to get away and clear my head. I kind of feel bad for leaving Dream there as a third wheel for New Years Eve. There's been a lot going on. Corey's trial, Dream, and me graduating from college soon, I needed time to think.

I still like Dream.

I just need to figure out how to say it.

I open my eyes and see my apartment building. I see that construction has already started on the place. They announced that my building is going condo, so I obviously can't afford to stay here anymore. Kinda sucks though, but at least they're giving us until the end of the school year. I hate to say it, but I'm gonna miss that old place. It's where me and Corey first met, I caught him dumping out his bong water in the toilet when our water wasn't turned on yet. The bathroom smelled horrible for a month.

I grab my backpack from the passenger seat, and go out to get my suitcase from the trunk. I haul my stuff up the stairs since they turned off the elevator. I fumble for my keys then practically kick the door down. I drop the bags on the floor and close the door. Stepping over the overstuffed hardcase and backpack, I make my way to my room and immediately take in the fresh air. Ever since the announcement of eviction, The landlord has been popping by a lot. I didn't want them to charge me for some shit about "plants doing damage to the paint."

"How were my babies?" I said to my aloe vera colony.

I did my rounds around the room, making sure that my neighbor watered every single one. Saying hello to them, don't judge me I love them. I sat down in front of my setup and pc, I got it last year after George convinced me it would be a good investment. I hadn't even thought of streaming until Dream encouraged me, well more like made a deal with me. He said, If I started streaming he would be the first to follow and subscribe. Sure enough, he did. And now I have a twitch channel where I talk about my two favorite things, plants and writing. Even Danni hopped on the twitch hype train (No pun intended).
They stream themselves sewing commissioned gowns and even helps teach begins how to hand sew.

I plug in my monitor, pc, keyboard, and mouse. I'm glad the electricity is still working, the end of the semester is soon and our landlord is getting a bit...persistent on tenants moving out. Do I have any idea where I'm gonna live? No, but that's the exciting part. I open Twitch and OBS and set up my stream. I think for a couple minutes on what to name it.
Before I can type anything however, I received a notification on my phone from discord. So I opened the program on my monitor, it lead me to me and Dreams inbox.

vc? i just want to talk this out.


I accepted the call and was met with his icon.

"Hey Dream."

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