One Day the Only Butterflies Left Will Be In Your Chest

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- Author's Note -
Get ready for tissues or to feel sad, this is a angsty one. I heard this song and was trying to write a piece for this song and I did, but with a sad prompt. Hopefully, you enjoy or at least got into the story.


The world crumpled into chaos as vampires took over all countries and major cities. Fast, vicious and with an unfathomable thrust for blood. Not caring if their victims turns or dies. Tommy and Adam have been running ever since their campsite was ambushed, a crazed scientist leading them along with the Queen of the nest. Running and fighting off the monsters for a whole week before Tommy is injured fatality...

Adam's POV

    "Breathe for me baby," I whisper, clutching onto my lover's jacket.

    Biting into his neck again attempting to revive him. I should've done this before. His blood seeping out of the made wound, dripping down his pale skin. His once bright brown eyes, now a lifeless black. I place my head to his chest to hear a heartbeat, blood pumping through his veins, something to indicate he's alive.

"Don't leave me, Tommy. I need you. I'll be alone without you."

"Please, please, don't leave me. I can't be alone with these monsters."





"Don't leave me..."

    All my attempts have failed. My venom won't take over his body. The cells have all died before I could help him. I'm too late. Now I'll be alone. Alone with these monsters, this fucked up world, the screwed up people, this heavy guilt and burden that I lost my lover and I could've helped him. He was right, I have too much hope. I wipe at my tears as I look at all the bites marks, now turning purple and black from my first attempts. Light then peers into the room, shining onto Tommy's body. I look up, gasping at the sight in front of me.

"On the verge of no return, why'd you keep fucking it up?" He says, a disappointed look on his face.

"Don't wanna have to bury you, but nothing seems to get though your skull."

He kneels down in front of me, "One day the only butterflies left will be in your chest. As you march towards your death, breathing your last breath. I'd hate to say I told you so, but look how the bruises show," He point towards his body with all the scratches, bruises, bite marks and cuts.

"Tell me how's it gonna feel without my arms, wrapped around, wrapped around you?"

His ghost then appears behind me, singing, a chill ran down my spine, "Bet it feels pretty real when your skin starts to peel from the bone."

"You are dead to the world," Tommy reappears in front of me, "Now I'm dead to you. Haunting your own house, nothing to lose. How did I let you sink your fangs so deep, ah!"

He appears once again next to me, speaking the dreadful words into my ears, "You know you can't breathe on your own," He pulls away, standing up and walking away.

I caused all of this.

I said 'yes' to be an experiment.

I was the reason the whole thing started.

I made promises that I couldn't keep.

I made him run towards the house alone.

I killed him.

    A loud roar and wood breaking pulled me away from my mind, the vampires are breaking in. I let out a gasp and look down at my lover's body. I'm going to die. I am going to die a painful death without my Tommy beside me. They're going to kill me, drain all my blood, tear me limb from limb, nawing at my bones. All while I watch from my slowly, dying body leaves this cursed Earth.

I breathe in, looking up at my boyfriend's back. I have to make this right, "Past the point of rescuing why'd I keep pushin' my luck."

He turns around, a confused look on his face as he looks at me, "The hole I wore into your soul has got too big to overlook."

The guild becoming too much as I cradle his cold, lifeless body, I scream out, "One day the only butterflies left will be our chests as we march towards our deaths breathing our last breaths. I thought we had a future, but we ain't got a chance in hell."

Tommy's ghost kneeling beside me, crying, "So tell me, how's it gonna feel without my arms wrapped around, wrapped around you."

"Bet it feels pretty real when your skin starts to peel from the bone. You were dead to the world, now I'm dead to you. Haunting your own house, nothing to lose."

He cups my face, crying as I close my eyes, feeling him for the last time, "I let you sink your fangs so deep, ah!"

"You know I can't breathe on my own (you know you can't breathe on your own)."

"How can I breathe on my own? (How can you breathe on your own?)"

"The sun is seeing on our love I fear," He stands up, the sounds of the monsters entering into the house getting louder and louder, "Letting our loneliness out into the atmosphere."

"The tide is turning on, our chance to turn it 'round," I tighten my grip on Tommy's body as I brace for the pain, "I never thought I'd see my fingernails fall out."

Love isn't in the air.

The monsters have arrived. Tackling the pair to the ground.

Love isn't in the air.

Adam's screams rang out as the vampires bite and tear at his flesh. Blood gushing and flowing out of the wounds.

Love isn't in the air.

The vampires dragged Tommy's body away from Adam's loosening grip. Tearing at the corpse.

Love isn't in the air.

His world blunged into darkness as eyes close for the last time in Earth. Hoping to see his lover in Heaven even if it's for the last time.

"Adam?" A voice calls.

The brunet turns seeing his awake lover in Heaven, smiling bright once again. A smile he missed so dearly.

"Tommy," He whispers, running to him.

    Embracing the smaller male and kissing his face multiple times, down his neck and on his head and finally at his plump lips. All evidence of hardships erased from his skin, his face and his soul. No bite marks, no cuts, no bruises from fighting all the time. No wrinkles from lost hope or frowning from lost and grief.

"I'm so sorry. I knew I sho-

"Don't worry about that," His finger osuhes at my lips, cutting me off, "We're here now, together."

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