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I smoothed my dark blue silk down my torso, pushing my hair over my shoulder before stepping out of the fresher. My eyes caught the Mandalorian armor before two large eyes popped out from the side of it with an adorable giggle.

"Do you approve, little one?" I asked with a smile as I approached the pair. The hunter turned, tilting his head.

"Where did you get that?"

I looked down at my dress. "Oh, you don't remember ripping this dress when we first met?" I grabbed the greenling from him, tapping his tiny nose and smiling more when his two teeth showed. "I had to do some alterations back at the cave, but I think it came out quite nice."

His visor met my eyes, and a beat of silence fell between us. "You look good."

I fought the flush at his rare compliment. "Thanks. We should probably go." At his nod, I gave the child a squeeze and a kiss between the ears before putting him in the hunter's quarters and shutting the door. When I spun, the visor was still on me. "What is it?"

"Nothing... Let's go."

We made our way into the nearby city and to the building said to hold the fighting ring. Throngs of people in formal dress were milling about. I leaned close to the Mandalorian and took his arm. "I feel underdressed."

"Tell me about it," he said borderline sarcastically. My lips quirked up as we entered, earning a few stares. The hall was grand- nothing like I pictured a fighting ring to be.

"So he's supposed to be in here?"

"He owns the place." Shiny looked around tensely, clenching and unclenching his fists as he often did. I stepped closer to him as a boisterous couple shoved their way around us. This hall was filled with well-dressed socialites who were all fluttering about with their fake smiles and obnoxious dramatics.

As I scanned the room at the hunter's side, my eyes met a younger man who was leaning against a pillar someways across the room. His bright blue irises were clearly visible, even from here. He already had eyes on me, smirking and raising his glass up in my direction.

I could use this to my advantage.

I tapped Mando's armor and stood as close as I could to his ear. "I'm going to get a drink. I have a plan. Go find your bounty, I'll handle my part."

As I turned away, he grabbed my arm. "What's your plan?"

"You'll see," I said with a wink, laughing to myself as his low sigh followed me to the bar. I leaned against the cool stone, smiling when the bartender took my order. Should be any second now...

"Hello beautiful."

I rose a brow and turned to see the blue-eyed man. His dark curls hung down around the collar of his grey shirt as he boldly looked me over. I cleared my throat, drawing his eyes back to mine. "Hi there," I started before my glass of red wine was set in front of me. "Thank you," I said to the bartender, reaching to grab my credits before the man beat me to it, laying a few on the stone top.

"Let me get this one for you," he said with a dashing smile.

I looked over the amount quickly, frowning. "I appreciate it," I quipped before throwing another onto his pile for a tip and giving a small nod to the bartender. I grabbed the stem of the glass and turned fully to the man, extending a hand. "I'm Sage. Lovely to meet you."

He took my hand and leaned down slightly as he brought the back of it to his plush lips. "Pleasure is all mine, Sage. I'm Logan."

"Well Logan, what brings you to this event?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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