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My new boots were caked in mud as the bounty hunter and I trekked through the dense woods to the spot that I kept all of my belongings while I was on this planet. I hiked my bag up on my shoulder, looking over it to see shiny right behind me, seemingly unbothered by the lack of clear path.

The silver glint of his armor made me think of the child, pulling the corners of my mouth down. My goodbye was hurried when we landed, pulling him from his orb and cradling him to my chest as he cooed and grabbed my hair. His soft cries were heard as I descended the ladder, and they were met with modulated reassurances that Mando would be back soon.

"How much longer?" The same voice questioned.

I pulled back a large branch as we came to a rocky incline, ducking my head down with a smirk before looking back. "We've arrived."

The dark hole in the hillside was mostly covered by the dense forest. It really was the perfect hub- big enough to hold the necessities but small enough to hide. I leaned down as I walked in, chuckling as I heard shiny cursing beneath his breath at the tight fit. Reaching up, I flicked on a lantern, watching as the light reflected off the small mirror fragments I had set up around the space just for that reason. Everything sat disturbed and covered by a thin veil of sediment. My cot on the far side with a single blanket and pillow, a bag of food thrown at the foot of it.

The Mandalorian took in the small space as I kneeled by the cot and reached under. "It isn't much, but it serves its purpose well." My hand found a leather satchel, pulling it out as I stood and turned to the man. I opened it for a quick count, satisfied with the amount. "Your pay, shiny."

He took the coins, fingering them until his visor rose to meet me. "This is a lot."

The corner of my mouth twitched up. "Just over double my bounty. I told you I'd pay to not turn me in, and I meant it."

"I don't nee-"

"Keep it. Buy the kid some food."

I held his visor's gaze until he pocketed the bag with a modulated sigh. "I better head back."

"Yeah... well, it was a pleasure doing business with you." I stuck out my hand, softly smiling when the tough fabric of his gloves met my fingers. His grasp was strong in mine, and I squeezed his fingers slightly before letting go. He spun on his heel back to the entrance, almost out when I spoke again. "Mando-" he didn't turn around, but turned his head for me to see his profile. "Thank you again." With a pause, then a curt nod, he was out of the door and I was alone. I strained my ears, sighing when I heard the last of the forest floor shift beneath his boots. I sat heavy on the cot, grimacing when a puff of red dust rose into the air.

I really didn't want to come back here.

It was naive of me to think that I'd hang out on the Razor Crest for a while, but the Madalorian wasn't one for visitors or hosting. However, even his quiet company, along with the kid's, filled a void that I had forgotten was nestled within my heart. Loneliness.

"Ugh," I huffed, eyeing the bag I had carried with me. I leaned forward to grab the flimsy strap and drug it over to my feet, reaching in and grabbing the once-blue fabric of my only dress. I'd be able to mend it here with my supplies. While living practically on the run, I'd quickly learned that repairing my clothes was so much easier than risking a trip to town to buy more. I'd had this dress for years- a rare nicety that I had let myself spend credits on when the sultry blue caught my eye.

I filled up a basin with water from my stash, dipping and rinsing the dark mud from the fabric, fingering the slight rip that Mando had caused. I reached down for my blade, laying the wet fabric flat before slicing off a bottom portion of it to bring the length just above my knees. A long branch I had wedged in the narrow portion of the cave served as my drying rack as I held my hand beneath to catch the stray drops.

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