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"Get up," I heard through a sleepy haze before the toe of a boot nudged up against my ribs, making me jump straight up. Well, as straight as I could with one of my arms still locked to a drawer.

"Stars above you assh-"

"Get up, we're here."

"Here where?"


Stars, I had slept through the entire trip. That's longer than I've slept in months. I closed my eyes as the cuff was unhooked from the drawer. A heavy sigh left me as the hunter helped me to my feet, my shoulder shooting out a pain in protest from the uncomfortable position it had been in prior.

"So there is nothing I can do to keep you from turning me over? Hell, I'd rather stay confined to this ship as a maid or something. Maybe a babysitter for your kid?"

"Shut up, let's go."

"Can I least say bye to-"


He gestured for me to climb down, following me and hooking my free wrist in the cuff when we both reached the base. Anxiety bloomed in my chest at the sight of the guards in front of me as we walked towards the looming building. "Bounty Hunter, leave your weapons on board please."

"I'm unarmed. Lead me to the owner."

His curt words made the guards pause for a moment before one of them jerked his head towards the large steel doors. "Right this way." We followed behind them down the familiar, cold halls of the city center. I began to shake slightly, unsure if it was the chill against my skin or the fear that had started to creep up my throat like sticky acid. The Mandalorian kept a tight hold on my forearm, guiding me as I zoned out on the floor. Mud-caked hair fell into my view- the dark auburn strands coated in drying, chipped brown.

We came to a stop before another heavy door opened and we stepped in. I closed my eyes when the familiar red oriental rug came into view. I always hated that rug.

"My dear, Sage!" a loud voice said enthusiastically. The sound of my name in that voice made me jump harshly, earning a tight squeeze from the hunter still gripping me. I lifted my head, opening my eyes to meet the eyes I hadn't seen anywhere other than my nightmares in years.

"Bareth," I acknowledged in a shaky breath, but the word was loaded with loathing.

"Oh my dear, how I have missed you." He eyed me up and down, probably wondering what happened to his polished, clean punching bag. I could only imagine what I looked like to him now. He cleared his throat, meeting my gaze again. "I am so happy you are finally home, safe." He reached for my chin and I took an instinctive half-step back into the cold beskar before Bareth abruptly grabbed the underside of my jaw. His fingers dug into the skin, forcing me to hold his hard gaze as I involuntarily trembled with uncharacteristic fear.

"Haas," the Mandalorian interrupted, and a hard breath left my lips as Bareth removed his hand. "My credits."

"Of course," he said in a slick voice, raising his hand and curling two fingers before one of the guards left the room briefly. "Now, come here, my sweet." He looked at me with a raised brow, daring me to refuse. I stayed put, leaning further back into the metal head as he pulled me closer.

"Payment first," he growled from behind me.

Bareth's authoritative look faltered slightly before he nodded, turning to accept a satchel of credits from the guard. Bareth tossed them towards us, caught easily by a gloved hand at my side. I heard him pocket them before he stepped right up against my back, messing with the cuffs. I dropped my chin to my chest, giving into the hand that I had been dealt.

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