chapter 3

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The boy stumbled, wobbling on his feet, "Tubbo, meet my brother, Wilbur. Wilbur, meet my friend, Tubbo." Tommy slightly growled, wiggling away from Wilbur in frustration. "Tubbo and I were hanging out back here cause you never let me do anything, we were actually about to call you." He pouted, glaring at his older brother.

"come on, I wasted so much gas getting here from the store." Wilbur hissed, pushing Tommy's back and ushering him towards the car. "You can hang out during school time, you're supposed to go home immediately. Don't make me worry like that."

Tommy stayed quiet, staring at the grass without a word. His hands balled up into fists, he wanted to hit something. He wanted to take his pain out, his confusion, just his anger in general.

"What's gotten into you? Seriously, you don't talk anymore, the teachers say you've been acting strange-" Wilbur started, concern in his voice but was cut off by Tommy swiftly turning around and punching him in the stomach.

"MAYBE CAUSE I AM STRANGE!" Tommy yelled, running away from Wilbur to stand next to tubbo, who obviously didn't want to argue with Tommy's brother but supported him anyways. "Tubbo has been the only person to actually talk to me, and turns out we aren't that normal. Not as normal as you make it seem." Tommy sneered.

Wilbur frowned, trying to walk closer but his brother only backed away, "Tommy... You've known we aren't the most normal..." He muttered, his hands trembling.

"The most normal?! We're not normal at all!" Tommy yelled, stomping his foot, "apparently normal isn't spent home alone for hours while your brother is just gone! Normal isn't being told the outside world is packed with evil people! Normal is at least knowing your parents fucking names!" He cried, his eyes shut tightly. He didn't want to look at Wilbur, he only made him angrier.

Wilbur let out a quiet sob, holding back as best as be could, "The world is full of evil people! They took away dad and mom! We even had another brother, did you know that?! I sure didn't!" He cried, throwing his arms up in a sarcastic shrug, "He went off in a war and was fucking killed!"

"And being home alone? I'm out with a cup on main Street, I play in front of a bar and hope some drunk guy gives me more than a dollar." Wilbur added, shaking his head, "last week, when we couldn't have dinner- someone stole my change and tried taking my guitar. This world is evil. I'm trying to protect you."

Tommy went silent, biting his tongue anxiously. "But there are still good people-" He muttered, getting cut off.

"What good people?! And don't you fucking dare say that kid!" Wilbur yelled. Tommy kept quiet, "Where are the good people? Where were they when Phi- dad died? Where were they where they when I had to negotiate with child protection services so they wouldn't take you?" Wilbur's voice was quiet and shakey, his voice cracking every few seconds.

"Are you a good person?" Tubbo suddenly asked, making Tommy jump and Wilbur look up with wide eyes.

"O-Of course- I'm not p-perfect but..." Wilbur trailed off, fiddling with his hands and looking away, "I don't hurt anyone... I protect T-Tommy... I never do anything bad..."

Tubbo hummed, taking a step forward, "but you hurt Tommy everyday. You isolate him, you scare him."

"Shu-shut up! You don't e-even know Tommy!"

"I know him better than you do."

"I-..." Wilbur broke, covering his face and holding back sobs, "I'm only 19, I don't know what you expect from me! I'm not fit to be a parent yet! I dropped out to take care of Tommy, I can't even get a real job now!" He shouted, falling into the ground. He wiped his eyes aggressively, sniffling quietly.

"I don't want to lose him too..." Wilbur whispered, pulling his ripped brown jacket over his face. He felt ashamed, embarrassed. Embarrassed a 12 year old got him so angry and sad, ashamed that both of them are smart than him. That when Tommy grows up he will leave, he'll be able to take care of himself and Wilbur will probably be homeless.

Tubbo frowned, he grabbed the back of Tommy's shirt and pushed him towards Wilbur. "Talk to him." He whispered, pointing to Wilbur when Tommy looked back.

Tommy sighed, slowly sitting down next to his brother and hugging him, "it... It'll be okay..." He muttered, unsure what to say, "nothing is gonna happen to me..."

Wilbur sobbed, hugging Tommy back, "you don't know that, anything could happen..." He whispered, holding on tightly to the back of Tommy's shirt, "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry..." He repeated and repeated, until he was just pathetically whimpering.

"It's okay, wil. I know nothing bad would happen." Tommy responded, deciding it'd be better to just tell Wilbur about his rule braking, "nothing bad has happened to me yet and I've been outside all week..."

"What?!" Wilbur panicked, grabbing Tommy by the shoulders and pulling him away, "tom- what if you got kidnapped or something?!" He asked, frowning in anger.

"I wasn't though! You can't expect the worst!" Tommy shouted back, pushing his brother away. He stood up and rubbed his hands over his eyes, "please, wil! I'm tired of living in a cell! Let me live!" He yelled, groaning in frustration and kicking dirt.

Wilbur looked up at him, "o... Okay..." He muttered, standing up and backing away, "Don't stay out too late, please..." He whispered, hugging himself as he walked away.

"Yay, Tom!" Tubbo cheered, clapping his hands happily.

Tommy turned to Tubbo, wiping his hands over his eyes, "I think I hurt his feelings..." He sighed, sitting back down where he originally was.

Tubbo sat next to him, "you did what you had to! He wasn't treating you right."

Tommy hugged his knees and pulled at the grass, "still... It doesn't feel right."

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