➳ 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯: 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘶𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯

Start from the beginning

Behind the door, is someone who looks completely different than the Appa that Kida remembers. Dirt cakes his feet, there are leaves stuck in his messy fur, and a frightened, panicked look in his eyes. When the door opens, Appa lets out a defensive growl. Kida looks behind her, before removing her bandana.

"Hey, Appa," she says, attempting to make her voice soothing. "Remember me?" Kida walks towards him slowly. "It's me, Kida," she continues. Once he lets out a soft groan, Kida steps closer and places her hand between his eyes. "Hey, buddy," Kida repeats in a whisper. "I missed you." Kida smiles when he closes his eyes and lets out a content sigh.

"Isn't this a nice reunion," a voice startles the silence. Instantly, Kida turns around and extends her knife, making sure that Appa knows she'd protect him no matter what. The face that Kida is met with is unfamiliar, but the voice...

"Whatever you're doing here, just don't," Kida snaps. "I won't let you take him, Zuko."

"And how do you plan on stopping me, cousin? We both know you aren't nearly the firebender I am."

"Let's say no bending then, just to make it fair. You'd be surprised what I can do with a sword," Kida challenges.

"All you have is a small knife," Zuko points out, almost laughing. "There's no way you're a match for me."

Kida notices something in the background. "You're right. Maybe I can't stop you, in this one instance. He might be able to talk some sense into you, though."

Confused, Zuko looks back, only to be faced with his uncle. Kida decides to step back and listen, knowing that Iroh will handle this situation well. Iroh scolds Zuko for not planning ahead, like at the North Pole, where he would have died if Kida's friends hadn't saved him. He pleads with Zuko to look inside himself for once and find his own destiny, not the one forced on him by his father.

"You can be different now, Zuko," Kida agrees. " I know what it's like to have a destiny imposed on you, to feel like you have to do everything to follow it. But I also know, on some level, you care about me, even if you don't want to admit it. So, please help me."

Zuko throws his mask and swords to the ground in anger.


TOGETHER, ZUKO AND KIDA FREE APPA. They use firebending to melt the metal chains until they break off. Uncle watches them work in unison, noticing how they move carefully and not wanting to disturb their focus.

Once Appa's unchained, they lead him out of the tunnels, and to the surface. Appa squints at the sun, probably not having had much exposure lately.

"How are we going to get him to the Avatar?" Zuko asks.

In that instant, Kida looks to the shore and sees a face off between the gang and some Dai Li Agents. "We always seem to find our way back to each other." Kida turns to Appa and pets him gently. "Take care, okay buddy? I'll miss you." This time, Appa sighs sadly and licks Kida affectionately before flying in to save the gang. Kida looks at them sadly, so close, but still so far away. They won't ever know that she was here.

Suddenly, Kida feels a hand on her shoulder. "They'll be okay," Zuko assures.

Without thinking much, Kida brings Zuko into a hug, who is initially stunned. "Thank you," she whispers. At this, Zuko relaxes a bit. Kida pulls away. There's a moment of awkward silence before Kida adds: "For the record, I would say that I'm at least somewhat close to being as good a firebender as you."

Zuko rolls his eyes. "We'll see."


author's note

hey everyone,

i just want to apologize for the inconsistent upload schedule, and also thank the readers who are incredibly patient and understanding. i really appreciate those who understand and keep reading and commenting on these chapters; it truly means the world.

i know it can be frustrating when i don't upload on time, but please understand that it is disheartening for me as well, because i really do want to update and publish new chapters for you guys. this has been a rough time and i have lots going on. i'm a full time student with a part time job, and i've been deal with my own personal and mental health issues which really does impact my ability to write. 

my winter break starts in about two weeks and i'm hoping that i can write a bunch of chapters, start some new stories, and start publishing more in general during that time. 

anyways, thank you for reading.  i hope that everyone is healthy and staying safe and taking care of themselves <3


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