"Oh umm sorry y/n." She said while scratching the back of her neck clearly sorry.
At least this bitch ain't full of shit.
"Ya no don't worry about it my guy." I replied crossing my legs.
"So y/n how are you liking it here at UA?" Izu asked.
"No offense to you Izu but not gonna lie that question is quite stupid," I stopped seeing that he looked kinda ....hurt? Idk but I should probably stop making enemies with everyone I see.
"It's only stupid because I was basically forced to be here and if you couldn't notice this isn't exactly my first option when it comes to living situations-" I started before Shoto cut me off.

"Then what is?" Is all he said. My head snapped back to him. The cat in his arms up and left sensing the mood change.
I honestly don't have an answer for him.
What is my ideal for living rn. I know I wanna be hero or at the least help people. But like what about out side of a job or school.
" well Shoto I still haven't planned that out yet. I don't know what I want but maybe I'll figure it out one day. As for now a certain, stupid, blond has helped me figure out that I want to take advantage of being in UA. But as for the outside part I don't know." I said.
"Hey Deku asked about UA. You just said that it was good. You didn't have to go and call his question stupid, he was trying to be nice." Ochako said standing up while putting her hands on the table holding her up.

I threw my head back so it was touching the booth.
This fucking bitch.
"In case you hadn't put it together," I started lowering my head to make eye contact with her.
"I'm under the care of UA just staying in Eraserheads house for the time being. So when he asked about UA I thought about the over all experience. And if I have to spell it out for you I was talking about school and "home" life." I said making sure she say the air quotes for the word home.

She looked even more up said and mad but she just since back into he booth arms crossed.
"And Izu, really I wasn't meaning to offend you with the answer or anything. You're a great person and that goes for everyone I'm class." I looked over at Ochako.
"Well most of everyone." I said with a smirk.

Shoto slightly chocked on the tea he was drinking.
He held out his hand for a fist bump but low so the others couldn't see. Of corse I answered his request.

        "Well y/n I also asked you come here to ask about you're situation with L. O. V. You seem to be connected to them some how. And guessing my the tracker on your arm they're out for you?" Izu asked.

         "An observant one you are, yes I'm connected and yes they might be coming to "get me" or what ever. But I don't really wanna spill. I've already told someone and parts of it to others. This is something I don't think needs to be shared-" I was cut off but Izu slamming his hands on the table standing up.
"OF CORSE I DOES y/n, not knowing puts us all in danger. You're being selfish by keeping this to your self." He said with his eyes brows furrowed.
I stood up and walked over to him.

I lent down because you know he's a shorty.
(Shotys a little shorty. Sorry)

          I put my hand on his head messing with his hair trying to calm him down.
"Look Izu I don't want to keep this from you. And as much danger not knowing puts you in knowing puts you in more. You don't have to worry for long. I'm pretty sure their gonna get rid of my soon. Peg me out to be a loss cause." I looked behind him to see Ochako practically stemming in her seat from the physical interaction.

Aww shoty got a crush.
I let got of his hair but instead holding his cheeks making his face turn to red. I lowered my head to his level.
"Well ima be off thanks for inviting me." I let go of his face and pat his head a few times.
"Bye Shoto. Ngl we should hang out more you're chill. I vibe with that."

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