The bakusqaud (3)

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Y/n s POV
When I walked into the teachers lounge the faculty that was there looked at me. Also like
They were scared of me.
Obviously they would be scared of me. I just tried to kill two kids on my first day. Don't even get me started on my track record.

I just averted my eyes and kept them to the floor.
Aizawa pulled up a chair next to his office space. I sat there and just kicked my feet while looking down as I sat in the chair. I looked at the wrap on my arm and remembered the boy that I did that to. I touched the small cut on my neck as well.
"Aizawa is that boy okay?"
I just looked up at him. I could tell my face no longer read expressionless. I was worried for him. I don't know what came over me to think of doing that. He seems like an okay person.

I could feel the eyes of the other teachers on me.

"Which one." He replied I felt worse after hearing that.
"Did explody boy get hurt too?"
"No he's fine. At least physically. His pride is very much hurt though. As for the other one he's fine he went to RG and got patched up." During the last part he put his arm around my shoulder. It felt like when my dad tried to comfort me when I lost a toy when I was little. I haven't felt positive human interaction since I was 7.
It was strange. I wanted to tell him to get away and stop but I also craved the feeling.

I tensed up when he did this but relaxed after a while. I was still ready to fight though just in case.
"I'm not going to hurt you ya know. I can feel it, your still ready to fight but you don't need to be."
I nodded and tried my best to relax. We sat in a comfy silence until the bell rang.

"Come one y/n time for class." Aizawa said as he stood up. I nodded again and followed him to class. I kept looking at the floor the whole way there. I didn't want to face the class after what happened, they probably think I'll try and murder them the first chance I get. When Aizawa opens the door and we walked in I could only hear the yelling of a boom boom man.
"What the fuck is that bitch doing here."

I looked at him with a somewhat bored expression but I was hurt on the inside.
"Bakugo language. Don't wake me up and do your work." With that Aizawa went into his sleeping bag and everyone got up and started talking. I walked over to me desk and whipped out a piece of paper and started drawing.

Drawing is my happy place and I always let my guard down.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and I let out a little squeal and flinched.
I look over at Denki and sighed in relief.
—- Denki POV.
Did she just squeal??
That was kinda adorable though.

"Hey y/n I was wondering if you wanted to meet my friends?" I wanted to hang out with her more. I watched he expression stay the same but her eyes moved and I could tell she was thinking.

"Yay come on I'll introduce you to the bakusquad."
I gripped her hand and pulled her to the back of the class where the quad was.
"Hey Denki?"
She said my first name omg cute.
"Is your arm okay?"
"Oh ya it's all better thanks for asking."I looked back at her and she looked
Sad? It didn't really change but you could tell that she did feel something different then before.

"Anyway this is my best bro Sero."
She did the head tilt up words to acknowledge him.
"This is Mina."
I expected Mina to like hug her or something but I think Mina was scared of y/n. She just said hi. Weird

"This is kirishima."
"Hey bro that fight was super manly. But still I suggest not fighting when we're not training."
I looked at y/n to see if that made her mad. I don't know why I thought it would. I think it's just because she angry over what Bakugo said.
She put her hand on his shoulder. She was the same height as him too.
"Don't worry my guy I know."
This kinda shocked me but I also
Like it???

Emotionless Denki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now