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Hey so I'm like 80% sure you know about the whole yagami Yato thing. I'm not going to get into what she did because I don't know the full extent or the exact things she did. But I would like to say that because of this it has pushed myself and a lot of people from the bnha community. Now bnha isn't even in my top 15. Don't get me wrong it's a good series and stuff but I never really liked it like that.

However I know that on Wattpad bnha was like the most popular anime people wrote about. Because of this I was able to find a bunch of great stories and things that helped me look at my writing differently or strive to improve. If I'm being honest I only did something with a character from bnha because I knew more people could see it and I could get feed back on my writing and stuff like that.

I want everyone to make their own decisions and opinions on this topic by themselves after looking at the evidence for the accusations made about her.

Now I'm not going to let her influence how I feel about the bnha series because the actual manga and anime has nothing to do with the decisions that the people who support it make.

Now the main take away from this is to rethink your actions including characters that are minors. And in general you should be looking back to try and improve yourself constantly.
Me personally have a problem of shutting certain ideas down too quickly. So now I constantly try and go intro hunks with an open mind.

If you are doing things to contribute to the toxicity of the bnha fandom or any other fandom you should think about ways to improve.
-If you have a ship, let's say it's bakudeku or something, you should keep it to your self. Obviously is someone asks that's fine but you should be pushing it. Like if I were to say a ship I like I would gravitate to kiribaku. But I don't ever mention it because I know some people will not like this or could come at me for it. This story is the ONLY time I've ever mentioned a ship that I liked in any fandom.

I was going to make a scene with Mina saying she shipped todoseku and y/n saying something about not shipping two people the ether as an interest in someone else, or doesn't have any interest in romance.

Obviously y/n makes it a little bit of a bigger deal because she's apart of the story and these are real people to her.

-Another example of toxicity in the bnha community is making sexual or inappropriate content of the characters without aging them up.
These might be fictional characters and all but making certain content with them isn't poggers dude.
Yes I myself make jokes about legit any character but I know where the line is for that and it seems that, that line is what's being blurred.

Now being 100% most of this are kids just getting into anime and going through puberty and stuff. That means if your older you should set an example of what you can and can't do on the internet involving these characters.

Just like in this book I won't make any explicit scenes with them as minors, even though I'm around their age, is still is a very uncuffie thing to do.  Yes I mentioned the ending of something between kirishinma and bakugo but they are teenagers, and teenagers do that sometimes. Now if I did over step a boundary just tell me and I'll go back and fix it.

Anyway that's my take on what's happening.

And because of this I'm creating a new Wattpad account and am not going to consume bnha content on there to unravel and get out of what ever the fuck I stumbled upon.
The only reason I'm not actually deleting this account is just so people will read this.
So bye I guess.

Emotionless Denki x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz