(8)Before the sports festival

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"Hey y/n are you okay?"
Denki was still laying in my chest looking up at me.
I looked around and saw Kiri and Bakugo awake as well.
I nodded while looking down and sitting up. Because of this Denki was sitting in my lap facing me.
"Are you sure?" He asked with his voice a mix of concern and curiosity.

"Yes I'm sure Denki." Is all I reapplied with.
——-Denki POV before y/n woke up.
I woke up still on y/n. I started to blush realizing I was just laying my head on y/ns tits.
"Hey Kami you're awake"
I looked over and saw Kiri and Bakugo laying in their stomachs on their phones.

"Oh uhh ya."
I say while I lay my head back down and looking at them.
"I see you and y/n got really close." He says cocking and eyebrow.
"Oh uh ya I guess." I say with a slight blush.

"Just letting you know that if that fucking closet situation happens again you should at least tell me she's half naked or tried covering her up. I didn't need to fucking see that."
Bakugo said making me blush.
"Ya dude it's not manly just to leave her exposed like that." Kiri chimed in.

"Umm ya sorry about that."
I say super flustered.
I closed my eyes again trying to saver this moment.

I started to feel y/n shaking and I lifted my self slightly up and saw her slowing waking up.
I asked her if she was okay and she kept telling me she was fine but I didn't believe her.
She sat up and I feel into her lap.

"Ohh shits getting spicy."
Bakugo commented.
I got flustered but y/n didn't seemed bothered she just looked over at Bakugo and Kiri.
Is all she said.

Damn I need to teach her how to have a conversation with our making it awkward.
——time skip about a week later a day before the sports festival.
3rd person POV.
Y/n and Denki got closer but still aren't dating. They've only kissed once since then.
Bakugo and Kirishima are still in denial that they like eachother.
———y/ns POV

It's the morning of the sports festival and everyone was gathered in the waiting room. Shoto said something to Midorya and then he what on and did his whole speech thingy.
"Y/n are you nervous?" Denki asked sitting next to me.
"No. I don't even wanna participate but Aizawa is making me." I replied.
"I'm sorry y/n but I bet you'll win." He said giving me a thumbs up.

"WHAT THE FUCK PIKACHU ILL BEAT YOU ALL." Bakugo yelled basically making me deaf.
"Hey Bakugo?"
"What?" He Angerly answered.

"What's your fist name?" I say looking over to him.
"Why the fuck should I give it to you?"

"It's nothing but I call everyone by their first name because I lived in Amarica when I was with my parents and I still like to do that." I spilled looking back at the ground.

"It's Katsuki dumb ass."
I didn't reply it wouldn't of added anything and it's so much work so I just nodded.

Okay I'm time skipping because I personally hate it when authors put the whole sports festival in because I just wanna see the fight.
So ya basically y/n came first but sat at the gate until Bakugo pulled her through and she made it past the second thingy.

——y/ns POV.
The first round was me and Denki and I'm not gonna go easy just because I like him. Actually ima be tougher just because of that.
It would be funny and less work to only use my quark as defense and use my fighting experience to take him down.

I was up for the first round and I wasn't complaining because I can take a nap between this and the next round.
Man are naps great.

"The fuck you smirking about?" Obviously it was Katsuki.
Was I smirking?
"This may sound stupid but I'm excited to take a nap after my fight."
"Ha you're right it is stupid. I prefer to just go to sleep early."

"You see I would expect I can't sleep for more then 3 hours at a time."
"The fuck, why?"
"I'll spare you the details because it doesn't interest me. But my past isn't the best and it catches up with me in my sleep. The memories of my family getting their throats slit or the screams of the people I've killed. All the times my nails have been ripped from my nail beds because I didn't kill someone."

I don't know why I got so graphic with it. I need to spill to someone it felt like an elephant was standing on my chest. I just wanted to have someone to tell.

These people, these amazing people deserves happy feature. They deserve to become hero's
But do I?

Katsuki walked closer. My eyes that were perviously glued to the ground found them selfs sucked into his crimson eyes.

"Y/n you need to fucking talk to someone. Looks like you have trauma and it's a bitch so umm like, I don't know, tell Sleepy bitch or something."
He, he was trying to help. The Katsuki Bakuhoe was trying to help.
"Oh my fucking shitty god you're becoming soft." I said in a teasing tone.

"The fuck, bitch I'm trying to fucking give you advice. What ever."
With that he walked away leaving you at the entrance of the arena.

"Oh blood bitch."


"Blood is a bitch to get out so try not to kill him." He said with out even looking back at me.

"No promises." I retorted.

With that I walked out to my spot. The feeling that I finally had a friend. I had someone to talk to. His way of talking is the best. It's straight to the point with no bull shit.
A small smile arose from my mouth. Not a smirk
Not a grin
An actual smile

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