welcome to ophelia

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If you're reading this, Hello! I am Alice the author of Ophelia. This story is based off of an old story of mine called Mabel-Grace but you most likely haven't read that. Which is probably good for your sanity as it was my second ever fanfiction and I had the writing capabilities and logic of a seven year old.

Although Mabel-Grace terrible and nonsensical, it had a premise for a potentially good story which is why I plan to make it better through this story. But, less about Mabel-Grace and more about Ophelia...

Ophelia was first published in around June 2019, and although it has been over a year, it has never been close to completion. With only eleven of the twenty or more planned chapters written as of September 2020.

Throughout this year of writing I have gotten plenty of support and positive feedback making me excited to write this story but I could never get the words on the metaphorical paper. But, throughout this year I have also grown as a person and writer so I realized with how this story was going I may never finish. With my recent realization I remembered how I wanted Mabel-Grace to go. Mabel-Grace was to have only one or two chapters about her childhood and more about her years at Hogwarts(those chapters contained flashbacks though to give more insight in her upbringing.). As this story is inspired by the original work of Mabel-Grace, this story will be more similarly formatted to it.

I will still be keeping the original chapters up on this book similarly to my book 'A Garden Of Snakes' formally known as 'Snakes and Peonies' as well as 'The Population Law'.

On another note, I am always accepting feedback and constructive criticism. And remember to vote on chapters if you enjoyed them as that helps Wattpad's Algorithm push this story!

Thank you for your patience with me.

- Alice


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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