Part 20

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It was of no surprise to you that Leonard wanted to make sure Jim was still breathing. They were best friends. Of course, he would want to make sure his friend was alive after the vast amounts of alcohol Jim had consumed. You would have no part of it though. It did not matter that he was drunk; it would not excuse his treatment of you earlier in the morning. Truth be told you wished the worst hang over on the asshole. "Darlin', why don't you take Analynn back to our quarters while I go check on Jim. Just will be long enough to make sure he didn't give himself alcohol poisoning. You know how he gets."

You frowned at your husband but clutched the sweet baby in your arms tighter. "Yeah I know how he gets. I hope it fucking hurts too." Leonard rolled his eyes before leaning over to kiss your forehead.

"I will be back shortly I promise." With that, he took off in the direction of the turbolifts. Lifting the baby to look at you, a half smile appeared on her face.

"I guess we can go enjoy a bit more cuddles before daddy gets back. Uncle Jim needs a swift kick in the ass right now. Yes he does..." Sighing loudly you pulled her back close against you before returning to your quarters. At least you had your daughter to make you feel better after the crap morning you already had.

Leonard waited at the door of Jim's quarters for a few moments after pushing the door alert. After hearing nothing, he attempted to use his old passcode to get in. Thankfully, it had not been removed from the system when he left the ship. The living room was silent as he entered, save for the sound of the glass bottle Leonard kicked. There were several bottles littered about on the floor. "Damn it Jim... you trying to kill yourself?" He was more worried than he had been when you warned him of Jim's condition.

Leonard heard a groan come from the bedroom. With a sigh, he walked towards the back of the quarters to find Jim laying across his bed on his stomach. The room reeked of stale liquor and body odor. "What the hell man, have you not showered since I left?"

Jim groaned again with his face in the bed, clearly not awake. Leonard moved next to him on the bed rolling him over to ensure he was not dying. Jim slowly started to wake, blinking several times before he could look at Leonard. "This may be the weirdest dream I have ever had and you are the ugliest woman on Risa."

Leonard scoffed pulling Jim to a sitting position. "You would be lucky to get with a girl like me." Jim swayed in the sitting position almost falling back before Leonard caught him. "Oh no you aren't going back to sleep. We need to sober you up, even if we have to do it the old fashioned way." It took over an hour for Leonard to force feed black coffee down Jim's throat and then threaten him with multiple hypos to get him to shower properly. After the shower, it was another mug of coffee before he was coherent enough to have a real conversation.

"Bones, why the hell are you sitting in my quarters... trying to get me sober when you have a wife who was dying to see you? You have way better things to do." Jim groaned out as his head was rested against his fold arms on the table.

"Because my wife told me that you were drunk and she hoped the hangover hurt. If you pissed [Y/N] off enough that she wished you pain I figured you were in bad shape." Leonard just stared at his friend's head. "What did you do to upset her so much? It must have been pretty bad because she has the patience of a saint when it comes to the two of us."

"I may have been rude to her and... I called her Dr. McCoy." Leonard gave a short chuckle.

"No wonder she would be happy to see you in so much pain." Jim lifted his head squinting at his best friend.

"I was an ass. I am just not... actually, it doesn't matter. Tell [Y/N] I am sorry and you two go enjoy your time together."

"You need to tell me what is going on in that idiot brain of yours. Since when are you rude to [Y/N]? I have never seen that happen, not once. Not even when she dragged you away from one of the Greer sisters to give you an inoculation." Jim scowled into his coffee mug at the memory. It had taken weeks to even get either one of them to talk to him.

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