Part 4

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You stared blankly at the Admiral, preparing your body for what he was about to tell you. Your knuckles white as you gripped onto the arms of the chair. "Are you alright doctor? You look pale." Straightening up in the chair, you tried to look more natural, compared to the hollow mess you were on the inside now.

"I'm fine, sir. You were saying... The Enterprise?" Somehow, it had come out even sounding in your ears. He nodded slowly but looked at you with concern.

"Yes the Enterprise. You may not be aware but the Enterprise has been missing for just over a month. Contact was lost and feared the worst." The thudding in your chest quickened as you clasped your hands together tightly. "We received word from them last night. The ship has been badly damaged and some of the crew injured with two casualties. They are requesting aid and new personnel. One of which is a new doctor, you specifically. Doctor McCoy was adamant about that. If you agree to the transfer you would be leaving on the Cerberus in the next few days to be one of the new permanent crewmen of the USS Enterprise." You stopped listening after you heard the part about Leonard. He was alive. The thoughts running through your mind and weakened body were getting to be too much. You stood quickly from the chair.

"Excuse me one moment Admiral. I think I need some air." You almost made it to the door before your knees gave way and you blacked out. Some time later, you awoke staring at a familiar ceiling. The sounds of monitors beeping quietly, around you. As you tried to sit up, a hand stopped you pressing against your chest, forcing you back down onto the bed.

"Oh no, young lady. You stay put until I clear you to even go to the bathroom. [Y/N], how could you let yourself get so run down? You are dehydrated and bordering on being malnourished. I missed the signs but damned if I let you continue like this. Crazy girl do you know this could keep you grounded from the new assignment?" Doctor Baush looked down at you with his hand braced on the bed. The threat of not seeing Leonard caused your heart to beat erratically. The biobed let you both know it. "Calm down, calm down. Take a breath for me before I have to sedate you." Doing as instructed you took a slow deep breath in through your nose and exhaled slowly out of your mouth. The alarm fading as your heart rate decreased.

"Please, sir. I need to see him. Moreover, it is the Enterprise. It is an important assignment. Maybe once in a lifetime to be aboard the fleet's flagship." The pleading in your eyes did him in.

"Promise me something, my dear?" You sat up quickly steadying yourself now that you were upright.

"Anything." Doctor Baush gave a short laugh. He picked up your hand in his.

"Promise me, you will take care of yourself out there. Come back to visit me sometime and tell me about the wilds of space. And tell that man... tell that man he had better take care of you too. You need someone looking after you. Might as well be another doctor." A laugh escaped your lips as you jumped forward hugging him tightly.

"I promise I will do all of that. You have done so much for me over the years. I know I wouldn't be here without you. Thank you." He returned the hug then sent you on your way with strict instructions to eat a large dinner with an equally large glass of water. By the time you arrived home you had already send your confirmation to Command that you would take the post on the Enterprise. Next, you messaged Maggie telling her about your new assignment. She, of course, was so excited for you that she wanted to help you start packing that night. Along with an order of food from one of your favorite places, she came to oversee the task.

The official orders came in later that evening. In thirty-six hours, you would be departing with the crew of the Cerberus on an aid mission bound for the Enterprise. Even though you knew it was late, you sent a message to your grandfather. More than likely, he would message you back in the early morning. You were not sure how he was going to take the news. It was one thing that you were in York Town. Farther than he had even been away from you since your parents died. However, the Enterprise on its long term mission to explore the galaxy. Now that was a whole other story.

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