Birthday Fun

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"Huh, what? Birthday? Yours? oh yeah..." My best friend mumbled her rosy cheeks sliding under the covers.

I silently chuckled to myself, finally 18... thats a lot to take it...

I stared at myself in the mirror, my auburn hair frizzed and hung loose around my shoulders as I played with them.

"18 years, and this is what I have got to show for myself..." I silently mumbled.

"HOPE! HOPE! HOPE! YOUR BIRTHDAY! PARTY! SHOPPING! PRESENTS!" Pandora shouted at me, suddenly realising and sitting up in bed.

"Finally! Goodness me, come one we got to go shopping, the 'Black Rabbit' tonight!" I said to her while searching for my hairbrush.


1 Hour Later:

I stepped outside and the sun shone on my face blinding me. I could never cope with these situations, my face always scrunches up while Pandora always seems to glide effortlessly put.
It sucks.

"Come on Hope! We need to hit the shops" Pan grabs my hand and starts dragging me to the bus.

"Here we come London! WE ARE NIGHTMARE SHOPPERS!" I shout out, to no-one in particular.
A bunch of people turn to stare at us, but Pan just throws her head back and laughs!

We board the bus...


Hey Guys!

Sorry that was short, just didnt want to give too much away! One Direction will be involved soon! Promise!

See ya!

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