Chapter 2: It's Not Over Just Yet

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------3 years later; November 10, 2022------

Jennifer's POV

Today is such a special day for Patrick and I. Today marks our 3rd year of being a couple. The both of us just wanted to have a relaxing day, and maybe go out and watch a movie or something. I was laying on my bed in my dorm room, while my roommate Hannah was out running some errands she had to do. While in my dorm room, I heard my phone going off every 2 seconds. I look over to see that it was Patrick texting me so much. One of the messages read, *Good Morning my Sunflower. Just got a message from my mom saying that she wants us to come over there to celebrate our anniversary.* The other message read, *She also said that she has a special gift for you when we come.* All the smiles on my face were coming in. The time was around lunch time, about 11:00 am, so I got dressed in a casual outfit and texted Patrick that I would wait for him in the main area of the campus, being the huge open space in front of the main hall. This is the area where students come and hang out, bring blankets to sit on and do some possible studying as well.

I decided to wait for him by the walkway where almost all students walk by. It is also where most students hang out because they know the football players walk down that path, so the students wait for them there to see them and take pictures and all that fun stuff. While I was waiting there, I noticed 2 of Patrick's teammates coming towards where I was. They immediately noticed me and came towards my direction. "Hey Jenn. Happy Anniversary to you and Patrick by the way." One of them greeted me. "Awww, thank you so much." I smiled. "Do you and Patrick have any plans today to celebrate?" The other asked. "Well, he texted me saying that his parents wanted us to come over, so we're going there soon." I replied. Next thing I knew, I heard a bunch of girls screaming, like they saw someone famous or something. When I looked over, I could see Patrick walking over towards us, holding a bouquet of sunflowers in his hand. When he got closer, my cheeks were turning so red, like the color of roses. "Happy 3 Years, my Sunflower." Patrick smiled as he handed me the flowers and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, my love." I smiled as I kissed him on the cheek too. We began to walk to Patrick's car and headed over to his parents' house.

------20 minutes later------

We finally arrived at his parents' house, and already, we were greeted by Patrick's parents. "Happy Anniversary, you two." His mom smiled as she gave us hugs. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Mahomes." I smiled. "Come on in guys, we prepared some food for you guys." His dad replied. We went inside and sat down at the table. We ate and chatted for a good 2 hours before Patrick and I went back to campus. After he dropped me off, all I could think of was how amazing today went. "How was your guys' anniversary?" Hannah smiled and asked. "Ohh my gosh, it was amazing. His parents made us dinner, his brother Jackson gave us a sweet gift, a bracelet for the each of us to wear." I replied. "Awww, that's sweet. Does it say anything special?" She asked. "They do actually. Patrick's says my name, with a heart, and our anniversary date, and it's the same for mine, but with Patrick's name." I said as I showed Hannah my bracelet. "That is so cute, I love it." Hannah smiled. "Thank you so much." I smiled.

------5 months later; April 14, 2023------

It was just a normal day in a college student's life, and also was the last, last day of spring break before I graduate next month. I can't believe my 4 years at Texas Tech are finally over. My day was going super great, and within minutes, it turns into a disaster of emotions. My roommate Hannah comes running into our dorm room, looking like she ran so much. "Hannah, are you ok? You look like you ran a marathon or something." I looked at her with a strange look. "Girl, you will not believe what I just found out. Look at this." She said as she showed me her phone. My heart was in immediate disbelief when I saw what was on Hannah's phone. It was a picture of Patrick, with ANOTHER GIRL! At this point, I was shocked, pissed off, angry, wanting to throw things everywhere, just all of the emotions. Within seconds, my phone kept going off, for about 10 minutes. When I looked over, I already had 20 missed calls from Patrick. Next, he decides to call Hannah.

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