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"Gotham's city's apartment complex... Looks... Shitty...." (Y/N) said walking to a complex that looks like an abandoned Motel six.

"Well I found a place to live... Just got to meet the landlord and... What else?... It's getting late I might as well call it a night once I get my room." The soldier thought as he made his way to the office where he saw quite a large man watching a football game eating slop that reminded him of training's lunches but much less edible.

"Hmm excuse me sir."

"Eh? What do you want?"

"Hello I'm looking to move into Gotham and was wondering i-"

"Yea we got a room lucky its the only room we have open due to people not tolerating Jimmy's drinking. Names Sloven here's the keys we'll go over paperwork and other bullshit in the morning now get going The Gotham's Bats are actually winning a game." Sloven said sliding the keys across his desk before turning his attention back to the tv.

"Huh... That was easy... Room thirteen thirty seven... This is thirteen forty five, thirteen forty four, thirteen forty three, thirteen thirty seven must be... Here it is."

"Hey you!" A man yelled out making (Y/N) turn around as he saw a man about the same age or maybe older than him as he was dressed in a what looked like office clothes with a loose tie and an untied left shoe though what really stood out about him was the bottle of tequila in his hands.

"Hmm hello..."

"You.... Hic... Your a soldier... Aren't ya?...... Hic...."


"Do... You... Live... There?" The drunk asked pointing with the bottle in the direction of the door.

"Starting today."

"Ah... Well then... We're roommates!"


"You'll see just... Hic... Open the door... Hic."

"Hm... Ok... What the hell." As soon as he opened the door the room looked like... Shit. There was a single bed mattress on the floor, the door to the bath room was missing its top half of the door only having the bottom half with the doorknob, while he saw cockroaches swarming a Rat corpse; however what really stood out was the massive walkable hole in the wall connecting two rooms.

"That's my room right there... Hic... The water in my shower is groggy... So I use this... Hic... Room's... Bathroom... Goodnight neighbor." The drunk said going into his room falling into his bed passing out immediately.

"That must be Jimmy. The boys always said that their beds were more comfortable than the ones at the barracks. Might as well..." (Y/N) thought sitting down on the single mattress immediately as his face darkens as the mattress felt wet and was uncomfortable.

"More comfortable my ass... Maybe tomorrow I'll find a new place to live for a year just going to go to sleep for tonight." He thought grabbing his bag and putting it underneath his head using it as a pillow as he stared at the ceiling later drifting to sleep.

"Ah that's the stuff... Now let's see any talk of my last show?" Zatanna asked herself as she sat criss cross on her bed with her laptop on her lap looking over the stats of her show and comments.

"The same as usual. Though I feel like it could be better if I had another assistant whenever I have one my shows do really well. And I know no one from the league would want to volunteer after that booster gold incident... Still can't believe he talked me into becoming one of my assistants. Oh I know where are they?" Zatanna got up looking around the room for her tarot cards finding them in one of her boxes.

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