☾♕Chapter 32: Back Tainted

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I opened my eyes to be meet with those endless storm greys I adore so much.

"Hey beautiful", I told Noni, pecking softly at her lips, she smiles and blushes. I love this woman. "Hey handsome", she say. "Are you sure you're okay? I'm really sor...", I started and she shut me up by pecking my lips.

"Please Rhi, no more apologizing", she said and I nodded in return.

"Thank you", I said instead. "For what", she asked innocently. "For loving us", I said and looked at my pup who was almost done with his bottle and smiled. "For our son", I said looking but at her brave and fearless mother who'd be fine on her own but I'm selfish that way.

"For fighting to survival", I said and just like that all her beautiful attributes that I'd already known she possessed popped into our mind. "For being strong and beautiful and you, I love you mate", I said finally crushing our lips together.

When we pulled away she looked dizzy but with a sheepish droopy grin. "If I didn't have our son in my hands right now I'd be jumping into your arms", she said causing me to double over in laughter.

After I sobered up, I took Odes from her and burped him then put him in the crib before walking back to my mate, the most amazing creature I've ever had the courtesy to meet. Thank you, goddess.

"Do you want to meet my wolf", Noni said and I couldn't help the megawatt smile and nodded my head vigorously and knelt beside her. She closed her eyes and when she opened them, they were a beautiful glowing gold.

🐾 Odyssey's P.O.V 🐾

After a full nights rest in our mate's arms well with our mate in our arms and all my energy being restored I can't help but be excited and happy all at once. I honestly thought the pack, our friends and family would really doubt it was us. I mean I wouldn't believe me but I'm glad they all accepted us back with open arms.

I cried out in blissful agony at seeing our pup again, I too had doubts of never seeing those gorgeous blue green storms staring back at us.

I was already dancing around in the back of my human's mind by the time our mate's wolf surfaced and all the love that was heard in his voice and eyes sent me over the edge.

As soon as Noni gave me control I jumped him and sent us falling back to the in fists of giggles and chuckles. I kissed every inch of him I could find, he was mine. Mine, mine and his lips that I'd kill to kiss all mine.

I did all that but I still couldn't believe all this chunk of perfect was mine. I take my words back, I love you Goddess. You're not a raging bitch in my books any more.

"What's your name mate", Rhiyan said as we pulled apart from our current infatuation with each other's lips. "Odyssey but Dyssie's fine", I said leaning into his body that mold in mine perfectly. "Beautiful", he said lifting my chin to him both of our golden eyes staring back at each other.

"All I want to do is kiss you and care for you all day and night but this sh*t's getting to sappy and my human wants to meet you too", Rhiyan said and I pouted but beamed seeing it's the same person.

I lunged and connected our lips before I pulled away to be meet with fierce stunting steel ocean blues.

"Hi Dyssie I'm Banner"

😇 Noni's P.O.V 😇

I opened my eyes to see a grinning Banner to say I think he and Odyssey got along is an understatement, they were seconds away from doing the dirty deed before I took back control. Dyssie as expected put up a really good fight trying to stay in control. I never thought I'd ever meet someone as horny as Banner till I met my wolf.

Stripped And Tainted | ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang