12-Crazy for You Part 1

Start from the beginning

She replies, " I'm Sin. I'm a friend of Roy's."

I reply, " Destiny. I'm a friend of his as well. "

She replies, " If you're looking for him, he's not in the Glades. Not right now at least."

I ask, " Can you help me get to his house? I can't see anything."

Sin replies, " Yeah. Sure."

I feel a hand take mine and soon we are walking through the Glades.

I ask," Would you mind staying with me while I wait for Roy?"

Sin replies, " No. No. I will wait with you. "

I smile and say, " Thanks."

I hear a door open and take a deep breath. I smell Roy's cologne and step inside. Sin helps me to what feels like a bed. I sit and feel her sit next to me.

She asks," Your eyes aren't grey like a blind person's."

I reply," I am momentarily blind. I can't see anything after tons of paparazzi flash cameras in my face. Especially whenever that happens it reminds me of them."

Sin asks," Them who?"

I reply, " My parents. They were murdered in front of me."

Sin replies,"I'm sorry. "

I reply," That's why I want to help people."

Sin replies, "You have an amazing heart."

I smile and say," When I get my sight back, which will be in less than an hour, I'm going to help you. Since you helped me."

Sin replies," You don't have to."

I smile and say, " Helping people is pretty much what my life has come to. I want to help you. You deserve it."

She says," I texted Roy from your phone. He will be here shortly."

I reply, " Thanks. You are going to come with us when we leave."

Sin is silent and I lay down in the bed.

I say," Sometimes, I imagine what my mother would say with how my life has turned out."

Sin replies, " I think she would be really proud."

I smile and say, " I used to wake up thinking it was all just a dream and my parents would be right there smiling as they watch me sleep. But then i would wake up and head downstairs and find Iris and Joe instead of my parents. "

I hear the door open and instantly sit up.

Roy's voice says, " Sin? Destiny?"

I instantly relax and get up. I use my hands to find Roy. I hear hinm straight ahead and stumble towards him.

i say,"Roy."

I hear him turn and he comes to me.

He asks," What's wrong with you?"

I reply," I'm blind."

Roy asks," What? "

I reply," Whenever I have cameras flashing and I know it's paparazzi, I go blind for awhile. It happened after my parents were murdered."

I open my eyes and look up at him. Or at least I think I'm looking at him.

Roy says," Your eyes. They're white, but I can faintly see the color."

I smile and say," It will go away in a few. But I need to get home. Your friend Sin has been such an angel."

I reach behind me for Sin and feel her take my hand. I smile and squeeze her hand gently.

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