Chapter 6: Tears

Começar do início

-Third's PoV-
      Next day, everyone was reunited in the club, Tenma looked like always, his cheery grin on his face, yet if you looked closely enough, you could see bags under his eyes and he was playing his his sleeves, as if his sking ached him or at least, itched him. Endou strated speaking as he saw everyone was there.
"They are known for their solid defence and rough plays." Everyone's eyes widened, except Tenma's he seemed to actually like the idea of getting hurt with the sport he loved, the rest seemed not to like the idea very much.
"I assume ther eis no order if we are actually debating tactics?" Subaru asked, Tsurugi started aughing, as if the situation was hilarious to him, he then otioned to Shindou with his head.
"Tell them, captain. Tell them, come on." He encouraged his captaon with a mischeviou smile as he heard the shouts of his 'teammates' call out for the scond year, to make him talk. Kirino realised this was the reason his friend was so off during practice, or at least was part of the reason of his mood; he saw as Sangoku helped his friend; Shindou shuggered his shouders, clearly not wanting to say anything.
"Maybe they think we ahev won enough? But it is strange, as we arrived to the final last year." Hamano said while thinking.
"It's because we went against their orders on the last match!" Hayami said shaking his haed in terror, as if the wall were listening to their conversation, he covered his head with his hands; he didn't want to think bout it.
"This is what happens when we do whatever we feel like." Kurama ssaid wjhile staring at Tenma, his visible eye showing fire, Tenma received it all, he liked to know Kurama had no faith on him, just like he had no confidence on himself either.
"Did you know about this, coach?" Sangoku suddenly asked, Endou nod. "Why didn't you tell us?" He felt betrayed by his coach, something of such importance needed to be comunicated to all of them.
"Because the was no need to tell you anything, I am aiming for victory!" He explained.
"Great, now we are going against the orders, coach, are you aiming fo destitution?" Tsurugi asked, he wanted to get rid of this coach, he hated that smile of his, just like the one of that other boy; he wanted to rip it away.
"I bet no ones wants to play a match were the result has already been decided even before playing." He replyied to the blue haired boy on a calming motion, ignoring the sarcastic coment he made.
"But the, Raimon will be shut down!" Sangoku replied, shouting while standing up from his chair, it nearly fall becaue of the force the keeper put on the action.
"There is no way I let them decide the result of a game before playing." Endou answered, crossing his arms, he was getting somewhat tired of the situation he couldn't act on his own, he needed the team to cooperate.
"It is just as coach has said! I want to bring real soccer back with your help!" Tenma yelled from his spot, his smile, the one that was there but showed how much he was suffering left his face as he heard a comeback from soemone he didn't expect.
"I want to play like that too, but soccer nowadays can't be played for joy!" Sangoku replied desperately, as to making sure the brunet understood his point of view. "You need to understand too, coach!" He turned to the adult standing in front of him.
" I really don't want to nderstand." Was the denial he found from his coach. "I don't want to even try, soccer is not useful and if it is not enjoyable, it can't be soccer."
"I'm sorry, I have to disagree with you there. I will be following Fifth Sector's orders!" The goalkeeper stated while being followed by a chrorus of "Yes!" from the team.
"Where are you all leaving to? We have practice now!" Tenma tried to make the stay, even if deep in his mind he knew there was no way they would listen to such a weak being as he was.
"Why to even bother? We will lose the first match." Kurama shot back with venom, Tenma said nothing else after he received such an answer. He didn't want Shindou to meet any more difficulties because of his mouth.
"Are you comming, Shindou?" Kirino asked his friend, as he saw the pianist was not moving, Sangoku questioned "Shindou?" Silence formed.
" I want to win, I want to aim for victory once and for all, but, as captain... should my desires influence my teammates? Shouldn't I just let them decide their own path?" He thought out loud. Tenma bit his lips, he was worried, captain could give Tenma the cold shoulder and he was the most important piece on the board... Tenma hugged himself at the tought of him and Shinsuke being the only one rebelious, in a way, they were, they were the only ones training that morning.

-Tenma's PoV-
      I didn't want to start over, I could hear Midori cheering for me from the bench, but I couldn't bring myself to care, the ball hit him.
"I wonder what captain will do." I talked to myself, I finally revealed to my tiny friend who saw as a bruise started forming on my forehead.
"Yeah, but even with him we wuld only be three out of all the team who want to fight." Shinsuke reminded me with a soft voice, I appreciated it, my head was hurting as Jack kept remembering me how all of this was my fault.
We finished practicing, I went to the riverbank to get a hold of my thoughts. I rolled my long sleves up, and stared down at my bandages. Was this all my fault? Was I really influencing others into thinking his way? I tried to shake that question off, I didn't enjoy the thought of manipulating others into thinking my way, I felt as if that old nun was back into manipulating me to believe my parents didn't love me and that's why the planed to get killed, even if that made no sense as they were killed while crossing a road. Thank god I heard someone calling my name, I pulled my sleves down as Sangoku stopped and got down from his bike.
"What are you doing here?" His eyes travelled to the gash I received during practice, I forgot it was there, he looked concerned, he was probably faking it, acting.
"I am so sorry I yelled at you this morning, Sangoku-sempai." I bowed at him, after all, I had to show I knew manners.
"Don't be, I lost control too." He dismissed my sorry with a smile, as if it wasn't of importance. I noticed he had some pakages on the bike and I decided to use my very nonexistent courage to ask why was he carrying those around.

Break Him Out Of His ShellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora