𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲.

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Seungwoo : "When we get home daddy's going to need you to take some medicine and then we can cuddle okay?"

The little had no energy to protest so he just nodded as he started to fall asleep.

Seungwoo : "Sweet dreams prince~"

The members where now finished with the interview.
Their manager told them that they could have the next two days off since they've been working so hard.
He also told them where Seungwoo and Seungyoun were.
They walked to the small room and opened the door to see the two boys asleep.
Seungyoun had his head on Seungwoo's shoulder, his hand gently clutching onto his shirt still.
The leader had his head on top of his baby's with both arms wrapped securely around his waist.
The other members cooed as Hangyul woke up Seungwoo.

Hangyul : "Hyung wake up~"

He whispered as he shook Seungwoo's shoulder gently as he started to open his eyes.

Hangyul : "We can go home.
We also have the next two days off~"

Seungwoo smiled as he looked down at the little boy in his arms.
They get to spend two whole days with their baby.
He stood up with the boy now on his hip as they made their way outside of the building.

Once at home all of the members sat around in the living room waiting for the tiny boy to wake up.
They heard a small whimper and their attention was on the now awake little in their leader's lap.

Junho : "Hey there baby, how was your nap?"

Asked Junho as he sat next to Seungyoun and brushed the stray hairs out of his face.

Seungyoun : "hu-huwt hoho..."

They all smiled sadly, knowing their baby was in a lot of pain.

Junho"I know prince~
That's why daddy is going to give you some medicine, to help you feel better~"

Seungyoun whined but still nodded.

Seungyoun : "o-otay.."

Seungwoo picked up the little as he walked to the kitchen to get the medicine from the cabinet.
He tried to put Seungyoun down with much protest from the latter.
So he asked Yohan to hold him, who excitedly took the little into his arms.

Yohan : "Hi there cutie.
Is my little baby not feeling well?"

Yohan asked as he kissed their baby's forehead.

Seungyoun : "nuh uh.."

Yohan :  "Awe~
How about after you take your medicine you can suckle on mama until nap time?
Does that sound good?"

Apon hearing that, the little slipped into a smaller headspace.
He whined more as if telling his daddy to hurry up.
Getting the message, Seungwoo put some medicine on a spoon and walked over to the two boys.
He helped the little take the medicine quickly and gave him a glass of water afterwards.
The boys face scrunched up in disgust and he started to cry.
They knew what he wanted so they hurriedly walked to Wooseok's room who was on his bed watching something on his phone.

Yohan : "We think he's in babyspace~"

Said Yohan as he passed the boy to his hyung.
They left to give them some privacy.
Seungyoun tugged at his mama's shirt as he nuzzled his head into his chest.
Wooseok quickly caught onto what he was asking for and lifted up his shirt. The little stopped crying and latched onto his caregivers nipple.
As he was suckling, his eyes started to get droopy.
Wooseok adjusted their position so he was now cradling the little.
After about 10 minutes, the little finally fell asleep.

After his second nap of the day, Seungyoun was feeling a little better. He had woken up and looked up at his mama who had fallen asleep too.
He remembered that he didn't get cuddles from his third caregiver all day.
This made him cry.
Wooseok woke up abruptly.
He hugged the small boy tightly and rubbed his back.

Wooseok : "What's wrong prince?"

Seungyoun :  "a-appa!"

After hearing his name, Hangyul rushed into the room.

Hangyul : "Oh no shhh don't cry sunshine appa is here.
Come here baby~"

Hangyul cooed as he sat next to the two boys.
Seungyoun crawled into his lap and he clung onto the latter as if his life depended on it.

Hangyul : "I got him hyung~
I think Minhee, Dohyon, and Eunsang ordered food."

When the older male left to eat, Hangyul moved the little so he was in a more comfortable position as he turned on the tv.
They watched some cartoons with Seungyoun on Hangyul's lap as he combed his fingers through his soft hair.
He then fell into a deep sleep, feeling safe and loved in his appa's arms.


𝐤𝐩𝐨𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat