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"Shes fit." Jack said as he sat down with Joe as they waited for the rest of their group to join them in the canteen for lunch.
"She was in my English and she's fit." He told Joe.
"She was in my form. I think she's probably gonna join the group, she seemed to get on well with Toff in form." Joe said, he hadn't seen Dianne since form this morning as when she had dance, he had PE and they weren't in the same English and at break the group didn't see eachother and then they had English again after break. But now it was lunch and they were all gonna see eachother as everyday they made sure to have lunch all together.
"Yeah she was talking Toff in English." Jack said.
"Yeah why you saying Diannes fit, your literally with Toff." Joe said
"No, me and Toff aren't together, remember we're on a break. I can say other girls are fit, she says other boys are." Jack said.
"Right." Soon enough everyone had arrived at the table apart from Toff, Ellie and Dianne.

"Hello boys!" Toff said as she sat down with Dianne and Ellie, who was also in their English.
"Why did you 3 take so long coming out. I was in you English and got here before you." Jack asked.
"Di had to talk to Mr Williams about the lesson, coz they don't know what sets to put her in so they've shoved her in middle and then she has to say weather she found it easy or hard or alright." Toff said.
"Do they not have any information from Australia?" Joe asked the red head.
"Nah, I missed a whole year so I've not been in a school environment for a year so done no exams or anything so they don't know where to put me." Dianne said
"Wait why've you missed a whole year?" Joe asked again, intrigued by the redhead.
"It's a long story. It doesn't matter." Dianne said. "Anyways, who's who, I know Ambar, Evie, Toff, Ellie, Byron, Joe and Jack, don't have a clue who the rest of you are." Dianne laughed, luckily Dianne was very confident so found it easy to make friends and speak to new people. It was a trait she was glad she had when she was touring the world without her family and only the dancers, who did very quickly become her family.
"Right so you've got us lot, and then it's Conor, who's Jacks brother, Mikey, Oli, Josh, Caspar and Emily." Byron said, pointing at everyone.
"Right okay, I will forget who's who just to warn you." She laughed. For the rest of lunch, the group talked about lessons that they had and teachers they were annoyed at and warned Dianne about a few of the teachers before the bell went.
"Wait, who had Art with Mr Potter?" Dianne asked.
"Just me, come on." Joe said as Dianne walked over to him and followed him to art.

When the two walked into the art class room, some of the girls in the class started making comments about Dianne.
"Pennywise the clown has arrived!"
"Who lets their kid dye their hair that colour?"
"Already sucking up to Joe, wanting his money."
"Look at the midget!"

"Ignore them." Joe whispered to Dianne, she nodded and went over to the teacher.
"Ahh hello, your Dianne Buswell if I'm correct?" He asked, she nodded. "Well G'day mate." He said putting on an Australian accent making Dianne burst out laughing. "Was it not good?"
"Could do with a bit of work sir." She laughed.
"Very well. You came in with Joe right?" She nodded. "Go and take the seat next to him." He said, Dianne nodded and headed over to sit next to Joe.
"Oh god do I have to put up with you." Joe laughed.
"I'm afraid so Joseph. Who are those girls?" She asked.
"Oh their you know like the popular ones. Just ignore everything they say. None of it's true." He said as he rubbed her back slightly as he could tell she was starting to get a bit upset.
"Okay. Thank you." She said, calming down, luckily she didn't cry.

"So guys we have a project that you will be working on." Mr Potter said to the class. "I've put you with your partners." He said making te whole class groan. He walked round telling everyone who they were with.
"Dianne, I've put you with Joe so you know your partner. Rather than with someone you've never met. And you two seem to be getting on well, and your work is both amazing." He said. The pair smiled as he headed off. He explained the project to the class and then told them they had to decide when they wanted to work on it and that it would be due in 2 weeks.
"You doing anything tonight?" Joe asked Dianne, she shook her head. "Do you wanna come mine. We can work on the project and you can have dinner."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah of course. Someone needs to give you your first proper English meal." He laughed.
"Okay, thank you. What do you have next?"
"Spanish, with Miss Lopez." Joe said.
"Okay, I have it with Miss Hillary. I'll meet you at the gate after?"
"Yeah of course, or I can come your classroom and wait coz won't you have to talk to her about sets?" Joe said
"Wait are you set for Spanish?" He nodded. "Right yeah I'll have to speak to her then at the end. I'll meet you at my classroom then." She said.

When two paths cross Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin