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It was now Saturday and the day of Dianne's leaving party. The week had been hard, Dianne had got picked on most days but she knew that from next week it would all be over. Dianne was over at Joes as she had been helping set up this morning and was now sat in Zoe's room, with Zoe and Ashley as they started to get ready.

"I can't believe your actually leaving." Ashley said as she straightened her hair.
"I know. But it's not like I'm going far, the schools only 20 minutes away, I'll still see you guys all the time." Dianne said.
"Of course, we should try and meet up at least once a week." Ashley said, Dianne nodded.
"What have you and Joe decided on?" Zoe asked, knowing that the pair were planning what days they would see eachother.
"Tuesday nights after school we'll go round to one another's house and have dinner and then Friday night I'll probably end up staying here and we'll do something most Saturdays as long as we don't have something on." Dianne told them.
"That's good that you've planned it out. And your gonna make loads of new friends anyways so you'll always be busy." Zoe said, Dianne nodded.

"Wow, you look stunning!" Joe said as Dianne walked into the kitchen wearing a pink dress which showed off her figure.
"Thank you." Dianne said as she went over to him and gave him a kiss. "Everyone's gonna be here soon." She told him.
"Yeah, everything's set up and ready. You don't want people drinking alcohol right?" Joe said, remembering what Dianne had told him.
"Yeah no alcohol, I don't see the need." She said. "And we're only 14 and 15." Dianne told him.

Everyone had now arrived and everyone was just doing there own thing. Dianne was with all the girls and Joe was sat with the boys.
"Whys she leaving then? She said about things that's been happening. What's been happening though." Caspar asked Joe as they were sat on his sofa.
"I don't wanna go into it too much incase she doesn't want me to say but she's been getting bullied, quite badly." Joe said.
"Oh god. Yeah it's probably best for her to move then, you don't want it getting worse." Byron said to them all.
"Yeah, and the school she's moving to seems good, she liked it when they walked round. They have loads of dance studios there so she's buzzing." Joe told them, he was glad she was going somewhere that she liked.
"You not gonna miss her? It will be weird you not seeing her everyday won't it?" Caspar asked.
"Of course I'll miss her, but were still gonna see eachother a lot. As long as she's happy, I'm happy."

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